Saturday, June 29, 2013

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 6-29-13

It's been a while since I've joined the blog hop, so I had lots of laughs to pick from! I hope they make you smile today!

5.  We went to Yogi Bear Campground for Father's Day weekend. If you are a camper and have never been to one, I suggest you go! Boo Boo made an appearance the first day we were there. We took the kids up to say hi and neither one of them would go up to or talk to him. But for the entire rest of our stay (and the weeks following this event) we got to hear every couple of minutes "Boo Boo go bye-bye." from a very sad little girl.

4.  Brandon was being a smart mouth the other night and I, being the classy gal that I am, told him to bite me. Tyler, without missing a beat, said "Yeah, but he's not even a vampire." You got me there kid.

3.  I bought some nail polish for Bailey to paint her toes. Now, she demands for them to painted, tells me which color she wants and then parades around the house pointing to her toes telling anyone that will listen how 'pitty' they are.

2.  Bailey has mastered tattling on her brother. Now, whenever he gets out a toy from the giant toy box she immediately runs to me or Brandon and informs us that "Tyler take my ____".

1.  Did you know that putting a rubber duck up to your belly and squeezing it makes a really cool farting noise? NO? Well, you do now! And you can thank Bailey and Tyler for discovering this awesome, entertaining, fact!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Tyler's 6!

Time flies when you're having fun! How can my baby boy be 6 already?!?! It seems like just yesterday that I brought the little bugger home from the hospital.... This post is a little late because we've been CRAZY busy the last few weeks, but Happy Birthday T!

Newborn, oh so sweet!

1st Birthday!

2nd Birthday!

3rd Birthday, looking oh so cool!

4th Birthday

5th Birthday

Love you little man!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: 6-26-2013

Every year for the last several, we kick off our summer with some visitors. My sister-in-law and 2 nieces have made it a tradition to come visit us every June. This year, they brought my Aunt Lou Jean along for the ride! We had a very busy week, but enjoyed every minute of it. Here are some highlights. These are all from a trip to the local gold mine, I'll post more pictures later!