Friday, January 30, 2015

Week 4 ~ Catch the Moment

We were back to our regular routine this week which was great. I love having extra time off from work, but it's nice to have a routine as well. The kids seem to do so much better when their days are consistent.

Our inspiration for the week was time. This one seemed a little more challenging than the rest have been!

January 22:  This little guy was so tired when we were downstairs, he could hardly keep his eyes open. By the time I carried him up to his crib, he was wide open!

January 23:  I love the curiosity in little ones. He's always trying to figure out how things work.

January 24:  Tyler and Bailey have gotten to the "don't sit on my side of the couch" stage.

January 25:  Hunter has gotten really fast in the last couple of weeks! I was taking dishes out of the dishwasher and he was in the way. I carried him into the living room, went back into the kitchen, turned around and he was back at it!

January 26:  Hunter's favorite person in the whole wide world! He's going to have a blast next year if we get to go to Disney like we want!

January 28:  These eyes!

January 28:  My inspiration picture, nighttime.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

8 Months ~ Hunter

Oh how I love the holiday season! Not only does it mean introducing you to many of our family traditions, but it also means I get to spend extra time with you! This month has been full of highs and lows, but I wouldn't have it any other way! You are loving that you can get anywhere you want to and are often a little braver than I would like. From letting go and standing completely on your own, to attempting to climb the stairs, there is no slowing you down! My favorite from this month, you follow us everywhere we go and will climb up my leg to get my attention and ultimately get picked up. You really know how to work your Mommy!
Sleep:  You still haven't mastered sleeping through the night. I'm beginning to think that you never will. This month you have been up about every 2 to 3 hours, sometimes even every hour. You still go to bed around 7:30 and wake up for daycare at 5:30.  If it's a weekend or vacation day you will typically sleep until 7 or 8.
Likes:  You love when people make animal sounds at you. For some reason barking tops the list and always results in crazy amounts of laughter. You have also found Zoe and will spend a good bit of time watching her from the slider.

Dislikes:  You hate when you have to sit still for a diaper change! It's become quite the game to try to get you to lay in one spot long enough to get you changed. Most days you crawl around in just a diaper because putting clothes on you also results in tears. You don't like the word no, and show us how upset you are when we take things away from you.
Favorite Toys:  Stacking cups, taggie blanets, Sofie the giraffe, and Tag the dog top the list this month. You especially love making Mommy and Daddy stack your cups so you can knock them down!

Eating:  This month you started oatmeal, pears, Cheerios, and sweet potato puffs. You love being able to feed yourself snacks and Mommy loves that it keeps you busy while we eat dinner too!
Milestones:  This moth has been more about perfecting the skills you learned last month. Your fine motor has really improved and you're crawling at lightening speed. You are trying to stand unsupported, but it hasn't worked out so well for you just yet.

Tooth Count:  Your big brother lost his two front teeth right before Christmas. We've been teasing him by singing the "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" song. Christmas morning, he still didn't have any teeth to speak of, but you woke up with your 2 bottom teeth just about poking through! Santa brought them to the wrong kid! They aren't quite through yet, but will be in a matter of days I'm sure.
Words/Sounds:  You are now using mumum and dada to get our attention and are beginning to attach them to us correctly.
Firsts:  You celebrated your first Christmas this month! This meant your first trip to see Christmas lights, which you slept through, your first visit with Santa, Christmas dinner with us and Grandma, Papa, and Uncle Curt, as well as your first time opening presents. You also had your first ear infection and a round of antibiotics which you hated!
This month was full of memories and great times. You continue to be a joy to be around and are an incredibly loving baby. Love you little man!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Week 3 ~ Catch the Moment

After a cold week last week we were blessed with an absolutely gorgeous weekend. It was nice to finally get out the of the house and enjoy some fresh air! Brandon was able to get our outside Christmas decorations down as well, bonus!

January 15:  I love this stage! It's fun to see Hunter so interested in the world around him. Here he is examining his squeaky toy that was passed down from his brother.

January 16:  Bailey's car seat expired in Brandon's truck so I ordered her a new one. It sat in the house for a few days and made the perfect sitting spot for playing on her Kindle Fire!

January 17:  Tyler hates it when I take his picture! So I snuck this one in while he was watching tv before bed.

January 18:  It was beautiful outside today! Bailey had a great time helping Brandon take down the Christmas lights and clean out his work truck.

January 19:  We took full advantage of our extra long holiday weekend and brought the kids to the park.

January 20:  Our inspiration this week was eat! Bailey is now completely obsessed wit feeding Hunter.

January 21:  I found this Dora bath soap set on clearance after Christmas. Little Miss was a tad excited to break it open and use it tonight!

Stephanie, Mindi and I are hosting the project this year and we'd love to have you join. It's never too late to start!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Top 5 Saturday Laughs

I've been so busy lately that our Saturday laugh posts have really been lacking. It certainly hasn't been due to a lack in laughs though!

5.  I love listening to Bailey learn new words and phrases. This past week was full of "Ready... Steady.... Go!" No one corrects her on this, k?

4.  Hunter's little personality is starting to shine. This morning he put a freezing cold hand on my belly which resulted in my squealing. He thought it was great, belly laughed, and repeated the process another 1,000 times.

3.  Tyler is into quoting movies all of a sudden. Hunter was nursing a few nights ago and let go to check out something in the room that caught his attention and managed to spray himself (tmi I know). Tyler laughs and says "You're waisting it!"

2.  Hunter has found the stairs which means the gate has gone up. Bailey doesn't like the gate because she is too short to go over it. She begged me to take it down as I was getting ready to put the baby to bed and as soon as it was done she came flying down the stairs squealing "I'm freeeeeeeee!"

1.  Hunter is learning new things daily. My favorite has to be this new laugh:

Have a fabulous weekend!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Week 2 ~ Catch the Moment

Yay for week 2! We're slowly but surely chipping away at our ultimate goal of 52 weeks of pictures memories! If you're new to the link up, Stephanie at Behind the Camera and Dreaming and Mindi at Stavish Stills Photography and I are hosting an amazing project! Each day, for 365 days we are taking a picture of something from our day. A moment that we want to remember, an object that catches our eye, something that represents our day... At the end of the year, my goal is to put all of these together into a book to look at for years to come! It's not too late to join!

The cold has finally hit us here in North Carolina. Our week was filled with 2 hour delay's, lots of frost, and plenty of shivers. Of course to our northern friends what we are going through is nothing! But with the temps plummeting to unusual lows we've been stuck in the house all week. It's supposed to get back up to our average temps of around 50 by Saturday so hopefully this weekend we can get out of the house!

January 8:  Hunter is becoming a pro at picking up finger foods and stuffing his face. Although he hasn't quite figured out how to take his paci out to get the food into his mouth...

January 9:  I had completely forgotten just how many toys a small child can leave around the house! Our floor is covered every night after he goes to bed with an array of things. For right now, it drives me nuts. But I know in a few years when my baby is all grown I'm going to miss these!

January 10:  This handsome young man is typically missing from my weekly posts. One of my personal goals this year is to get him into more pictures!

January 11:  Our inspiration this week was cold. Our weather turned just in time to provide me with some frost. I'm hoping we'll get at least one snow storm this year, both kids got sleds and snowball makers for Christmas and I'd love for them to use them at least once!

January 12:  The quality of this picture is horrible, but I just couldn't resist these little cheeks!

January 13:  One of my other goals for the project this year is to get in a few pictures of me. Last year I think I ended up in about 4 and one was an unintentional reflection! Hubs snapped this shot of Hunter playing with my necklace after I got home from school.

January 14:  Hunter loves bath time now that he can sit on his own and play in the tub. I was getting the bath ready for him and in he crawled!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Week 1 ~ Catch the Moment

I am beyond excited to be co-hosting Catch the Moment 365 this year with Stephanie over at Behind the Camera and Dreaming and Mindi at Stavish Stills Photography! This is a great project, with a wonderful group of supporters. Please join us on this journey, I promise you won't regret it!

2014 was a great year for our family. From fun times in Michigan, a family camping trip at Mammoth Caves, and the birth of our 3rd child Hunter, we've made a ton of great memories. That being said, I'm looking forward to all that 2015 brings us!

January 1:  Our partying days ended long ago. We now spend holidays hanging around at home spending time together as a family and I couldn't think of a better way to spend them. I think Hunter agrees, he loved getting to spend some extra time with both Mom and Dad.

January 2:  These days this little guy is such a ham. Now that he has figured out how to crawl and pull up on furniture he's always coming over to socialize. He's such a happy, sweet boy most of the time.

January 3:  Bailey loves her baby brother. I mean, what 3 year old girl wouldn't love their very own living baby doll? As he has gotten older, he has started to protest a lot of what she tries to do to him. He is usually complaining about her and trying to get away, but for a brief few minutes today they were playing nice!

January 4:  Our family loves camping in the summer but we have outgrown our almost 30 year old popup camper at this point. Brandon has been spending a lot of time looking at campers online lately. Bailey had to check out some of the campers he was looking at today.

January 5:  Santa brought Hunter some new bathtub toys to replace the ones that I had thrown away. They were a big hit this week! On a side note, check out Hunter being a big boy and sitting in the tub all by himself!

January 6:  One of Tyler's daily homework assignments includes cutting out a set of spelling words. Bailey loves to mimic everything that he does and had to get out her own paper to cut and scissors. She's looking forward to starting preschool next year and getting her own homework.

January 7:  I'm not one for setting New Year's resolutions because I can never keep them! But, I started a twin-sized rag quilt for Bailey 2 years ago and it's still not done. I am promising myself that this and several other half-completed projects will be finished this year!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 52

I've done it! I've officially completed my first 365 day project! This has been an incredibly rewarding experience. I love looking back through all of the pictures from the year and seeing how the kids have grown and changed as well as re-visiting memories from throughout the year. I haven't decided exactly what I'm going to do with all of the images, but I'm sure it'll be something that I'll cherish for years to come!

December 26, 2014:  Bailey got a new bike for Christmas and is loving it! It didn't take her long to get the hang of it. It's a Frozen themed bike, what girl wouldn't love it?!

December 27, 2014:  Tyler's uncle got him a ridiculously large Lego set for Christmas. I love how Legos will keep his attention for an extended period of time which also keeps him out of my hair. Too bad he finished it in 2 short days. I keep threatening to take it apart when he isn't looking so I can get 2 more days of peace!

December 28, 2014:  Doc McStuffins Bailey is a little worn out from completing checkups on all of us over the last few days.

December 29, 2014:  Hunter is a busy boy now. It's hard to catch him sitting still!

December 30, 2014:  I love Christmas decorations but I'm afraid this will be coming down in the next couple of days.

December 31, 2014:  With 3 small children, going out to a big NYE celebration isn't feasable. Hunter crashed on me at 7:00 and Bailey started snoring around 8:30.  I had planned for us to have a movie night, play a few board games and enjoy a glass of sparkling grape juice throughout the night. My plans changed pretty quickly when we all headed to bed at 9:00. Don't judge. :0)

I'm excited to start the next 365 day project tomorrow! I have plans to upgrade my editing software this year as well as hopefully buying a new lens for my camera. Hopefully at least one of these things will happen! Here's to a new year filled with even more memories!