Saturday, August 16, 2014

Top 5 Saturday Laughs ~ 8-16-2014

I spent part of this week getting my new classroom organized and set up and the other part enjoying my time with the littles. I can't believe it's time to go back to school already! This has been a wonderful 4 month long maternity leave!

dentistmelsbbutton Saturdays Top Five Laughs  Come Join Our Blog Hop!

5.  Bailey was driving me bananas and I complained about it. Tyler's response, "Welcome to my life." Yup, sorry about that kiddo.

4.  I went to grab Hunter's bathtub which had been sitting on Bailey's table and discovered it and the entire table were covered in marker. I asked her why she colored all over them. Her reasoning made sense. She said she did it because there wasn't any paper.

3.  Daddy told Bailey she couldn't have a snack until after dinner. She told him she didn't love him anymore. When did she become a teenager?

2.  Hunter is becoming so much more social. This week he's started laughing when I make silly faces at him. It's the cutest!

1.  Tyler and Bailey spend most of their time arguing with each other. She'll do just about anything to make him mad. He told her she was annoying. Her response, "I lub you so much Tyler!"

Have a great weekend!!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Top 5 Saturday Laughs ~ 8-9-2014

It's been forever since I've participated in this link up, life has gotten busy with 3 little ones at home! I have an over supply of funny moments to use, it's so hard to pick! But here are my favorites from the last couple of weeks.

dentistmelsbbutton Saturdays Top Five Laughs  Come Join our Blog Hop

5.  Bailey got out of the bathtub and was running around naked. I told her to go find some pj's to put on and she said "No mom, I'm going to be naked foreva!" <---- Yes, she said foreva!

4.  It didn't take Bailey long to figure out that most of the time when Hunter cries he's hungry. About a week after we brought him home from the hospital he was crying and she quickly informed me that I needed to 'give baby those things'.

3.  Tyler loves his little brother, but hates it when he's upset. He tries so hard to calm him down by giving him his paci, talking to him, rubbing his head, and shooshing him.  When this doesn't work it usually results in a 7 year old big brother on the verge of tears for his baby brother.

2.  We went out to lunch with my mom after the kids had spent a few days with them. She was telling me about their fishing experience and that Bailey touched a worm. I looked at Bailey and told her she was 'such a boy.' Tyler responded with 'and I'm such a girl, I wouldn't touch it!'

1.  Bailey had surgery on her foot a few weeks ago. When we were getting ready to leave recovery to go home, the nurses wheeled an older person past us. They had just gotten out of surgery and were still sleeping. Bailey's jaw hit the floor and in a panic asked why that person was dead. I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants!

Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Catch the Moment 365~ Week 31

Summer is winding down all too quickly. I had an extra long summer with my maternity leave that began in April but I'm still not so sure that I'm ready to leave my babies yet! I'm starting at a new school this year which has me excited, but I sure am going to miss my little ones. They had to go to daycare for a few hours one day this week and all day on another. They survived, and so did I...

August 1, 2014:  I took the kids today to get their milestone pictures taken. Bailey argued and fought with me about wearing her necklace. She can be such a stinker, but hopefully when she's older she'll realize how neat this is. It's my baby ring on a necklace similar to the one that I used to wear it on. We aren't sure what happened to the original chain.

August 2, 2014:  Hunter is in love with his hands. He is always staring at them trying to figure them out!

August 3, 2014:  Today Hunter figured out hands are for more than chewing! He managed to make them move to grab the toys on his play gym. Life just got a little more fun! :0)

August 4, 2014:  The kids made dinner tonight! I didn't think there would be any pepperoni left on the pizza by the time Bailey got done making her's!

August 5, 2014:  He makes such adorable faces!!

August 6, 2014:  We found this little guy hanging out on the side of our house when we came home today! We were finding baby praying mantises for awhile at the beginning of the summer. Either this is their mom or dad, or the babies have really grown!

August 7, 2014:  This guy, I tell you! I had to leave him at daycare all day today and boy did I miss him! I love this picture, but wish it didn't have so much noise. I need to work on my editing skills a little more!

As a reminder, you can check out some more 365 day projects through the link below!
Nurse Loves Farmer

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Catch The Moment 365 ~ Week 30

Before I begin I must confess several of the pictures from this week were not taken from my DSLR camera. Sad, I know. This week's pictures are mostly from our family vacation and we were often in spots where I wasn't comfortable carrying my 'good' camera. I must say, I am still proud that I've made it this far exclusively using my DSLR!

July 25, 2014:  The only picture I took inside Mammoth Cave that actually turned out! Ooops. They restrict the use of a flash and I'm waaaaay too shaky to take pictures with out one.

July 26, 2014:  This one is an iPhone picture (and I believe the only picture I've taken of me). We took the kids to a water/amusement park on Saturday to cool off. Hunter and I hung out in the shade.

July 27, 2014:  Day 2 at the water park and yet another iPhone picture. I thought the storm clouds looked neat as it was traveling just to the south of us.

July 28, 2014:  Tyler and Hayden are the best of friends. He's such a great cousin putting up with Tyler's shenanigans!

July 29, 2014:  It's a crazy bunch! Our last morning together. We'll see you all next year!

July 30, 2014:  This little man is 3 months old today! He's such a handsome little guy!

July 31, 2014:  Bailey being Bailey. I feel like I say that a lot!

Don't forget to check out more great projects through the link below!

Nurse Loves Farmer

Monday, August 4, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 29

We had a fantastic week! The week started out slow with our usual daily routine, but we rounded it out by heading to Mammoth Caves for a long weekend vacation with some family. The kids had a blast as well as the adults. It was our first family vacation other then quick trips to the ocean and visiting family in Michigan, it's about time!

July 18, 2014:  A little Leap Pad time before bed.

July 19, 2014:  Someone was hanging out in mom and dad's bed tonight. She's looking a little sleepy.

July 20, 2014:  Being a goof-ball!

July 21, 2014:  I finally finished Hunter's tie blanket. He's in love!

July 22, 2014:  Brotherly love!

July 23, 2014:  Our first night at the campground. The kids were so excited to see each other! My kids love their cousins' motor home, it's like their very own playhouse.

July 24, 2014:  Hunter hanging out with Aunt Lou Jean. He loved being outside!

Nurse Loves Farmer