Saturday, August 16, 2014

Top 5 Saturday Laughs ~ 8-16-2014

I spent part of this week getting my new classroom organized and set up and the other part enjoying my time with the littles. I can't believe it's time to go back to school already! This has been a wonderful 4 month long maternity leave!

dentistmelsbbutton Saturdays Top Five Laughs  Come Join Our Blog Hop!

5.  Bailey was driving me bananas and I complained about it. Tyler's response, "Welcome to my life." Yup, sorry about that kiddo.

4.  I went to grab Hunter's bathtub which had been sitting on Bailey's table and discovered it and the entire table were covered in marker. I asked her why she colored all over them. Her reasoning made sense. She said she did it because there wasn't any paper.

3.  Daddy told Bailey she couldn't have a snack until after dinner. She told him she didn't love him anymore. When did she become a teenager?

2.  Hunter is becoming so much more social. This week he's started laughing when I make silly faces at him. It's the cutest!

1.  Tyler and Bailey spend most of their time arguing with each other. She'll do just about anything to make him mad. He told her she was annoying. Her response, "I lub you so much Tyler!"

Have a great weekend!!


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