Sunday, August 23, 2015

Week 30 ~ Catch the Moment

July 23:  We made a trip down to see my parents and of course the kids had to go jump in the lake!

July 24:  We went on a walking tour of the city of Greenville to find all of the mice on Main. If you haven't done this, you need to it's a ton of fun and best of all free! We found this statue at one of the hotels. It said to rub it's nose for good luck!

July 25:  Grandma does a ton of laundry when the kids are at her house. Tyler and Bailey managed to make her wash their outfit all 3 days we were there so they could keep wearing it! This was taken at the Greeville Zoo.

July 26:  We're back at home and getting busy working on scrapbooking after the kids go to bed.

July 27:  The kids had fun making these suncatchers  out of plastic beads. Abby was putting some serious thought into her pieces.

July 28:  One of my most favorite places, The Lazy 5 Ranch! If you like animals and don't mind a little slobber, this place is great!

July 29:  We painted Hunter's feet into butterflies and had a little extra paint. Great-Aunt Lou Jean wanted to let Hunter have a little fun with the left over paint and fun he had! It's a good thing it's non-toxic!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Week 29 ~ Catch the Moment

July 16:  As much as I enjoy summer, it can get a little boring being home most days. Today I decided to break out some leftover plaster animals from a project and school and let the kids have a little fun.

July 17:  Hunter snagged this book from Bailey and decided to read it. He played with that book for an hour!

July 18:  Legos are Hunter's current favorite toy. He can snap them together and take them apart easy peasy! I think the older two were at least 3 before they were able to do this!

July 19:  Because we all put the phone right up to our faces to see what's going on.

July 20:  Zoe is such a water baby! I love this action shot of her even though it isn't as clear as I like.

July 21:  We have some visitors from MI here! The kids had fun playing board games together tonight!

July 22:  Following through with our traditional trip to Reed's Gold Mine.

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Week 28 ~ Catch the Moment

School is starting in a few days, baseball practices began this week and summer is coming to an end and I'm in complete shock. Where did the summer go?!?

I'm still a bit behind on editing my pictures, but here is what we were up to in mid-July!

July 9:  I made the kids' favorite, rigatoni tonight. Hunter eats it the exact same way Bailey used to! Each noodle becomes a ring.

July 10:  There's nothing the like the calm, peaceful, silence of the night.

July 11:  What's summer without endless popsicles?

July 12:  Our pool has gotten tons of use this summer! $100 well spent for sure.

July 13:  Such a big boy. He won't let me brush his teeth for him anymore.

July 14:  Every once and a while she lets her inner toddler take over and takes an afternoon nap. I just wish they weren't so few and far between!

July 15:  These two spend most of their days arguing and fighting, but I'm pretty sure they are going to grow up to be the best of friends.

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Monday, August 17, 2015

Week 27 ~ Catch the Moment

I knew my old computer wasn't going to last forever, but I never would have guessed that instead of dying it would run out of memory! I guess that's a sign that I might be a tad obsessed with taking pictures of my children! It feels good to be back, and hopefully my computer will hold out for at least a few more months. And now it's time to play catch up!

July 2:  Other than packing for our camping trip this weekend, we really weren't doing much and there isn't anything special about this cloud. Not sure why I took it, but I think it's pretty.

July 3:  Our first day at the campground! Hunter is all boy and loves to be outside. His feet were running before they even hit the ground!

July 4:  KOA campgrounds are really good about getting the kids involved in activities. Today they were making things from pieces of marshmallow and gummy bears.

July 5:  We can't camp in the mountains without going for a hike to find a waterfall! This is Tyler's "We did it!" pose. You can't see the falls in this one, but trust me they are there!

July 6:  He's not thrilled that we're packing the camper up to head home!

July 7:  My little ham! When she isn't turning backwards to avoid the camera, she's bound to be posing in some silly way!

July 8:  I'm still working on Hunter's bug quilt. I will finish it, I will finish it, I will...

BTCAD- Catch the Moment