Sunday, October 26, 2014

5 Months ~ Hunter

Mommy is yet again running behind! So sorry little guy! This month has been a whirlwind of a month. You are growing exponentially! Although it makes me incredibly sad to see you grow up so quickly, I love watching you learn new things and develop that little personality of yours!

Sleep:  Since starting daycare you have gone backwards on your sleep. You are no longer sleeping a long stretch at night and are instead getting up every 2 to 3 hours throughout the night. I think you miss Mommy during the day and are just trying to get in a few extra snuggles! You've slept in your crib for a few hours here and there but mostly prefer the Rock n' Play still.

Likes:  You love attention! Anything from Peek-A-Boo to 'How Big Is Hunter' will get you to giggle. You aren't too sure about the camera and will usually stop smiling as soon as you see it. You love to snuggle to sleep and to just sit and hang out on a willing lap.

Dislikes:  Being put down tops your list of dislikes! As well as having whom ever is holding you sit down. You are pretty good at letting them know this one!

Favorite Toys:  O-Ball, taggie blankets, crinkle elephant and Sofie the Giraffe top your list of toys.

Eating:  You are sucking down between 13 and 16 ounces while at daycare and nursing an additional 5 to 7 times when home with Mommy.

Milestones:  Early this month we went to your 4 month appointment where your doctor proceeded to tell you you were lazy. That same evening you decided to show her and began rolling from your tummy to your back! You are getting pretty good at putting your own pacifier into your mouth. It's taken a lot of practice and has been adorable to watch! You have also begun to recognize your own name!

Tooth Count:  0

Words/Sounds:  You have continued to work on mastering what we have nicknamed your pterodactyl screech. I'd be shocked if the neighbors CAN'T hear it! I'm still waiting to hear those precious mumumum sounds as well as the dadadada sounds.

Clothes:  You have filled out your 3 to 6 month clothing and are starting to wear some 6 to 9 month depending on the brand.

Firsts:  You celebrated your first Labor Day weekend this month and went you your first fair, the Cabarrus County Fair.

You have continued to amaze Daddy and I with your sweet nature. I just wish you'd slow down for a minute! You are trying to grow up so fast! I think it'll be just a matter of a few weeks and you'll be crawling all over the place.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 38

September 19, 2014:  There is absolutely nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby!

September 20, 2014:  Bailey is the only one that spends their entire day with Hunter and what's she want to do when she gets home? Snuggle with him some more!

September 21, 2014:  Today was a rainy cool, fall-ish kind of day. The big kids wanted to play playdough. Hunter enjoyed watching all of the action!

September 22, 2014:  Daddy snuggles.

September 23, 2014:  Our washer has been acting up for the last few months. This past weekend it decided to totally kick the bucket. Welcome to our home my new friend!

September 24, 2014:  I don't get to many pictures of this guy!

September 25, 2014:  Pictures on baby butts and bald little heads. These are two of many things I will miss when our baby days are gone!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 37

September 12, 2014:  These cheeks are just so squeezable!

September 13, 2014:  I love how serious he becomes when he's playing with his toys.

September 14, 2014:  The kids have been digging through their toy boxes and coming up with some long forgotten about toys, including this gem.

September 15, 2014:  Baby toes, squeeee!

September 16, 2014:  A tired little girl that isn't too thrilled with the idea of spaghetti for dinner.

September 17, 2014:  Catching a smile on camera with this one isn't easy. He smiles until I put the camera in front of my face, then it disappears. I managed to catch this one though!

September 18, 2014:  Whatcha doin' big brother? I love the bond these two have already, even if it's a strange one. ;0)

Friday, October 10, 2014

Top 5 Saturday Laughs ~ 10-11-2014

So much to blog about, so little time! I miss doing our weekly laughs. It's such a fun way to keep up with the crazies! Here are just a few of the strange things they've said over the last couple of weeks.

dentistmelsbbutton2 Saturdays Top Five Laughs  Come Join Our Blog Hop!

5.  I've been working on a quilt for Bailey for I'm not even going to admit how long. I have several of the strips sewn together and had the next couple stacked and ready to go. I went to sew a few more together only to find that someone (read Bailey) had gone into the room and messed them all up. I asked Bailey about it and she said "You should have locked the door." <--- Good parenting advice right there.

4.  The boys went fishing so I took Bailey and Hunter to the mall. We walked past the water massage tube machine things and someone was in one. Bailey was slightly confused and asked who the dead guy was.

3.  Tyler loves our new school. He is no longer the only teacher's kid and has lots of friends to play with. They have a blast after school playing 'school'. It's funny to listen to them mimic all of the different teachers!

2.  Bailey had a 'cold' last week and she let us know right away. "Mommy, I sick."<Insert fake double sniff here.> "See."

1.  Bailey was licking her hand repeatedly a few days this week. I finally told her should stop or she would get worms. She told me "Only my Grandma has worms." I. Died.

And on that note, have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 36

September 5, 2014:  I'm looking forward to spending some time this weekend with my little man! It's so hard to be away from my littles all day.

September 6, 2014:  Look who's sleeping in their crib! So maybe it was only for this short nap, but it's progress right?

September 7, 2014:  This. This is what happens when Dad adds the bubble soap to the bathtub.

September 8, 2014:  It's fair time! Our local fair is tons of fun for the kids and I'm looking forward to going next year and actually being able to ride the rides! The last few years that we've gone I haven't been able to ride due to young babies or pregnancies

September 9, 2014:  It's my birthday! My little/big man picked out this necklace special for me. He's such a sweet heart!

September 10, 2014:  Just a baby and his big bro catching some nap/relax time together.

September 11, 2014:  A favorite treat as of late, chips and chip dip. These eyes get this little one all the snacks she wants!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 35

Our first week of school was a success! We rounded out the end of the week with a camping trip to the mountains. Me, being the awesome photographer that I am <---said in the most sarcastic voice ever, totally forgot to bring the charger to our camera which died on the way to the campground. It's a good thing my iPhone takes pretty decent pictures!

August 29, 2014:  We left Charlotte today for our last camping trip of the year. Bailey and her baby took a snooze during our drive to the mountains.

August 30, 2014:  This little guy loves car rides!

August 31, 2014:  Such a pretty view!

September 1, 2014:  Bailey and her bff Gabby were hanging out playing with sticks. These two are too funny!

September 2, 2014:  I think he was happy to be home after a fun filled weekend of camping.

September 3, 2014:  He needs to stop growing! Look at mister smarty reading chapter books!

September 4, 2014:  Hunter is getting good at holding his head up during tummy time and he hates every minute of it!

Almost there! At least I'm into September now! :0)

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 34

This was a busy week getting my new classroom prepared for my students, starting the 2014/2015 school year and getting everyone used to our new schedule.

August 22, 2014:  This. Have I mentioned how much I love my new school? Notice the play gym with the baby on the floor? Yeah, that would have NEVER happened at the last school.

August 23, 2014:  Daddy set the crib up today. Isn't it cute? Too bad Hunter won't sleep in it!

August 24, 2014:  Little man had to be taken to Urgent Care for the first time today. He developed a crazy rash that spread super fast. We aren't sure what caused it but it sure gave us a scare!

August 25, 2014:  This big guy is now a 2nd grader! He loved his first day at the new school, especially since he didn't have to wear a uniform!

August 26, 2014:  I hope they love each other this much is a couple of years!

August 27, 2014:  I miss this face! I know I work for good reason, but it sure is hard not being at home everyday anymore!

August 28, 2014:  The daycare life is rough. Someone fell asleep while we were eating dinner.

And that wraps up our first week back to school full time! Slowly but surely getting caught up on this project!