Monday, November 2, 2015

Week 41 ~ Catch the Moment

October 7:  The boys giving the opposing team a high five. This was a tough game that was a nail biter right up to the end. We ended up winning by 1 point thanks to Tyler's tying RBI and lead capturing point. The entire team played great! It was nice for my boy who typically strikes out to finally score some big runs!

October 8:  Our of inspiration. My neighbor's dog was running around with a new haircut. She's a photogenic little thing!

October 9:  I love these cubby little rolls!

October 10:  We took the munchkins camping again this weekend! The campground we stayed at had a ton of Halloween festivities. It was cool, wet, and rainy but that didn't stop us from having a good time!

October 11:  After spending a good part of yesterday inside the camper due to the rain, we took the kids to visit the zoo today. Hunter loves the animals!

October 12:  It's a bird, it's a plane, not it's bat baby!

October 13:  Hunter loves being outside!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Week 40 ~ Catch The Moment

September 30:  Bailey picked up this jewel somewhere. I yet again forgot to take a picture tonight and figured I try to capture this little trinket that she keeps leaving laying around!

October 1:  Hunter splish splashing around in the tub!

October 2:  The princess in all her glory!

October 3:  The kids love to toss around this beach ball, especially Hunter. It's bigger than he is!

October 4:  The sunset and clouds tonight were just beautiful!

October 5:  His facial expressions just crack me up! And there's that beach ball again in the background.

October 6:  He realized that we hadn't layed the chairs down yet. Oops.

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Week 39 ~ Catch the Moment

September 23:  We have now resorted to laying the dinning room chairs down on their sides to keep the littlest monkey off of the table. Sigh.

September 24:  Bailey left this necklace sitting out on the couch tonight. I love it, she hates it. Crazy child.

September 25:  Hunter has found the tv. Tonight a show came on about animals and he stood in front of it for several minutes watching and talking to the different animals.

September 26:  I picked up this book about babies on clearance the other day. Daddy didn't think he'd look at it for more then a few minutes. He's obsessed with it, ha! He happily squeals "Bebe" as he turns every page.

September 27:  Bailey has forced me to start decorating for Halloween. She seems to think that it's required, a few days early even!

September 28:  Since I'm being forced to decorate the house for Halloween, I figured I'd force the kids to help!

September 29:  Bailey wanted to go outside to blow bubbles. Who can argue with that! They're clean, they're easy, and they're fun!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Week 38 ~ Catch the Moment

September 16:  Hunter's obsession with the kitchen table sure is getting old! Tonight he got into the salt shaker and decorated everything.

September 17:  I forgot to take a picture today, so here's a picture of Hunter's zebra toy. It was a gift to Tyler on his first birthday and is now one of Hunter's favorite toys!

September 18:  Again, I forgot to take a picture today while the kids were awake, so I snapped this shot of the random toys that had been left out by my monsters earlier.

September 19:  Bailey tolerates going to big brother's baseball games. She was more interested in talking with Grandma then she was in cheering him on.

September 20:  These kids and their blankets and stuffed animals! Bailey, Tyler and Hunter were all having a 'sleep over' on the living room floor.

September 21:  Tyler colored this owl picture at school. He was pretty proud of it and wanted to document his coloring expertise.

September 22:  One of the siblings of Tyler's team mates brought Legos to keep herself busy tonight! She let Bailey join in on the fun.

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Week 37 ~ Catch the Moment

It's my birthday week and oh how I love my birthday! Who am I kidding, it's really just another day in my busy life. You'll have to forgive me as my watermark numbers have gotten off this week and I'm not sure why...

September 9:  AKA my birthday!! Here's a picture of the handsome boy that made me a Mommy.

September 10:  This little monkey spends more time on top of the table then he does anywhere else! He likes to give me a lot of mini heart attacks.

September 11:  I took some time this week to work on the kids' memory books. Here's a picture of Bailey's newborn page. It isn't finished yet, but I love this picture of her!

September 12:  I think he was talking to Hunter while he was supposed to be warming up that bat of his!

September 13:  Our local fair is in town! Neither Tyler nor Hunter were too sure about the ferris wheel.

September 14:  My little cuddle bug with his puppy and favorite blankie.

September 15:  There is nothing more fun than baseball under the lights. I wish my high school team would have been able to play under the lights! This weeks inspiration was under the moon. I had to grab theis shot of it hanging above the field!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment