Thursday, November 27, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 47

It feels great to be up-to-date and on time with these posts again! We're getting the kids and the car ready to head down to Grandma's house for a few days. The kids are super excited about spending time with Grandma and Papa and Brandon and I are eager to run away from them and go out on our first date since before Hunter was born!

November 21, 2014:  Hunter has become so expressive when he's talking. I spent a few days just taking pictures of his different expressions to put together a collage in his scrapbook. Here's one of my favorite faces for the bunch.

November 22, 2014:  Our first taste of food, sweet potatoes! He wasn't too impressed, but I'm sure the thought of solids will grow on him. I can't believe my baby is old enough for this!

November 23, 2014:  The kids decided to go into hiding tonight. They typically don't use the tv in the loft, but Bailey wanted to watch a movie and Tyler didn't want to be alone.

November 24, 2014:  I just love chubby baby toes and fingers! Plus, look at Hunter's new trick, sitting! This week has brought some big milestones for Mr. Chunky! Sitting, first foods, and crawling!

November 25, 2014:  Hunter's doctor thinks that there may be an issue with the shape of his head causing a slight asymmetry with his face. Our appointment is tomorrow, I'm trying to suck in all of the band free moments that I can!

November 26, 2014:  Our appointment went great, and little man does not need a Doc Band! This Mommy couldn't be more excited! Bailey was thrilled to see her brother when we came home from our appointment.

I'll have to add our Thanksgiving picture in with next week's post. Happy Thanksgiving, from my family to yours!!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 46

This project has quickly become centered around Hunter and Bailey. Poor Tyler has been significantly neglected in the world of pictures. Hopefully with everything going on around the holidays he'll show up a little more!

November 14, 2014:  Hunter is finally starting to enjoy his freedom and isn't expecting to be held 24/7. I love the snuggles, but the freedom is much appreciated!

November 15, 2014:  She is such a pain, but yet he loves her to pieces! I hope they continue to enjoy each other for years to come, but I have a feeling it'll change!

November 16, 2014:  There is nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby. Hunter is starting to enjoy his crib and will often refuse to nap unless he's in it! Yay for small successes!

November 17, 2014:  I love the look on Hunter's face in the background. He's watching her close and I'm sure is thinking he'd love to chase her down and take his trucks back!

November 18, 2014:  Hunter loves to get down on the floor and just play all of a sudden. I have a love/hate for this new development. It's so hard to watch your last baby grow up so quickly!

November 19, 2014:  That focus and concentration! I'm not sure what he was trying to get that silly monkey to do, but clearly it wasn't working out for him!

November 20, 2014:  Bailey wanted to eat these marshmallows so bad, but fell asleep in Daddy's chair before it was snack time.

I'm still in shock that next week is Thanksgiving and it's time to start shopping for Christmas presents already! Time sure has flown.

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 45

We've been trying to convince my Grandma to fly down to NC for a winter visit for the last few years. This year, she finally did it! It was so nice to get to spend time with her for a few days as well as her sister. I can't wait to get her back down here next year! It would have only been better if I would have remembered my camera on our visit.

November 7, 2014:  It's after Halloween, Christmas PJ's are allowed right? Mr. Chubby won't fit in these for much longer, I figured I better break them out!

November 8, 2014:  Off to Grandma's house we go! Great-Grandma flew down for a few days so we traveled for a fun filled weekend at Grandma's house. Too bad Mommy forgot the good camera as we were packing the van up!

November 9, 2014:  What's a trip to Grandma and Papa's house without some fishing? Great-Grandma had a wonderful time!

November 10, 2014:  Bailey loves to play in our shoe bin. She dug out Tyler's old baseball cleats and insisted that she wear them around the house.

November 11, 2014:  We left Grandma's house yesterday to come back home, and today they all came up for a visit. Here is our house guest for the day!

November 12, 2014:  Hunter is getting so big so quick!

November 13, 2014:  He's so close to crawling! He can get up on all 4's and rock as well as roll and turn circles to reach for toys that he's after. Slow down little dude, slow down!

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 44

We had a great Halloween weekend! The kids have been on a sugar high for the last few days and probably will be for the next several months. By the time we run out of Halloween candy, Christmas will be here. I can't believe how fast this year has gone!

October 31, 2014:  Baby's first Halloween! It was a beautiful day too. Not too warm and not too cold. The kids had a great time going door to door through our neighborhood. Hunter loved the stroller ride, it put him right to sleep!

November 1, 2014:  One of the few times that my kids play nice together. Tyler was photographing Bailey, Mickey, and Minnie. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have my love for photography has his camera is backwards. :0)

November 2, 2014:  Hunter's last ride in our swing. It decided to die tonight. 12 years and 4 babies (it was a hand me down from a friend) is a pretty good run though!

November 3, 2014:  Bailey got the mail from the mailbox and decided to do some grocery shopping.

November 4, 2014:  Such a big boy sitting up in Daddy's chair!

November 5, 2014:  It's starting to get cooler outside. Bailey wanted to wear her kitty hat to daycare. she hated that hat last year and refused to wear it then, when it actually fit her.

November 6, 2014:  Loving his Sofie giraffe and flirting with Mommy. He sure knows how to work me!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 43

This week was an absolute blast! I got to take my 2nd graders on a field trip to the NC Zoo. They had a great time! I wish I could have spent some time going through with Tyler, but such is life.

October 24, 2014:  Hunter is interacting with us more and more each day. Here he is smiling at Daddy.

October 25, 2014:  Little man insists on nursing everyday when I get home from school. This session ends in a cat nap every day as well. I'm going to miss these moments in a few months!

October 26, 2014:  He's so proud of himself!

October 27, 2014:  Tyler's becoming an independent little being. He insists on making his own peanut butter and jelly sandwiches now.

October 28, 2014:  Must have been a rough day at daycare.

October 29, 2014:  I wish the mirror on his playgym was a little nicer, but this shot still turned out cute!

October 20, 2014:  One of the few shots I took while at the zoo. I didn't want to have to keep track of my good camera while chasing 20 2nd graders around but I managed to catch a few pictures with my iPhone. Next year will be a different story!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 42

October went by in the blink of an eye! I'm thinking it was because of all of the fun we had with Halloween and fall activities. Here's what we were up to in the final weeks.

October 17, 2014:  We traveled to my parent's house this weekend for some Halloween festivities. Hunter wasn't too sure about Papa at first...

October 18, 2014:  We took the kids to the Greenville Zoo for Boo at the Zoo. They had a blast! Bailey and Papa dressed up as pirates together.

October 19, 2014:  Bailey loves to play at Grandma's house. I love that she gets to play with some of my toys from when I was a kid.

October 20, 2014:  Bailey and Tyler wanted to have a 'picnic' dinner in the living room.

October 21, 2014:  Bailey was a little irritated with me today. She decided to sit in the entry to the kitchen and wait for Daddy to come home because I'm too mean.

October 22, 2014:  Not the best of pictures, but he's such a ham!

October 23, 2014:  Big sis loves to hold her brother. She also loves to poke at the poor thing. I'm not sure why, but here she is checking out his adorable little belly button.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 41

October 10, 2014:  Bailey has been really into reading lately. She is getting pretty good at telling the story herself through the pictures in the books!

October 11, 2014:  This handsome fellow doesn't get nearly enough space in my 365 project. I try really hard to get him, but he's so busy with school work and hiding from the camera that these moments are few and far between.

October 12, 2014:  Such a serious face! He has become a huge fan of the exersaucer as of late!

October 13, 2014:  When you play hard, you crash hard. Little one made a mess of our living room and then crashed while watching cartoons. She's lucky she's cute!

October 14, 2014:  What baby doesn't love to play with their toys while chewing on their fingers?

October 15, 2014:  Little guy is getting really good at putting things in his mouth. These teeth he's working on have got to pop through soon!

October 16, 2014:  Bailey, AKA Elsa. We went to Disney's Princesses on Ice last week and little one loves to wear her dress around the house!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 40

October couldn't have gone by any faster! You forget just how fast that first year goes when there is a new little one in the house. I swear he was born yesterday! With school in full swing our lives have been pretty much routine. Get up, head to school/work, come home, eat, and bed. This makes picture taking a little less exciting, but here is a glimpse of what we were up to in early October.

October 3, 2014:  My little fashionista. Fall brings slightly cooler weather and this girl is totally obsessed with her new neon colored hoodie. Please continue to ignore the giant shadow in the background. I promise, someday I will figure out how to get a decent picture of little miss active without using the flash!

October 4, 2014:  Someone (no one look at me) got the bright idea to promise this not so little guy with Mine Craft on his kindle if he read 4 chapter books. This is pretty much my view every night now. :0)

October 5, 2014:  Bailey is so expressive in everything she does. Plus she never stops talking. I caught her in mid sentence here, which isn't too hard to do!

October 6, 2014:  His swinging days are numbered, but for now it's still the easiest way to get him to take a nap!

October 7, 2014:  Who couldn't love this little fellow with these great big eyes!

October 8, 2014:  Again with the Mine Craft! Bailey loves to help her brother out with his new game. She's hoping she gets her very own Kindle for Christmas.

October 9, 2014:  This one is simply because he has me wrapped around his itty-bitty-teeny-tiny-chubby little finger.