Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 41

October 10, 2014:  Bailey has been really into reading lately. She is getting pretty good at telling the story herself through the pictures in the books!

October 11, 2014:  This handsome fellow doesn't get nearly enough space in my 365 project. I try really hard to get him, but he's so busy with school work and hiding from the camera that these moments are few and far between.

October 12, 2014:  Such a serious face! He has become a huge fan of the exersaucer as of late!

October 13, 2014:  When you play hard, you crash hard. Little one made a mess of our living room and then crashed while watching cartoons. She's lucky she's cute!

October 14, 2014:  What baby doesn't love to play with their toys while chewing on their fingers?

October 15, 2014:  Little guy is getting really good at putting things in his mouth. These teeth he's working on have got to pop through soon!

October 16, 2014:  Bailey, AKA Elsa. We went to Disney's Princesses on Ice last week and little one loves to wear her dress around the house!

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