Saturday, November 15, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 39

I managed to stay on top of this project for much longer than I had hoped! But that went out the window when I went back to work after Hunter was born. Someday I hope to catch up on this! But for now, here is what we were up to in late September.

September 26, 2014:  Bailey has been digging through our tubs of baby toys and rediscovering some old toys she hasn't seen in a while!

September 27, 2014:  This little guy is such a sweet heart! Every night he falls asleep in my arms.

September 28, 2014:  Hunter has a new friend, Sofie the giraffe. He isn't too thrilled with her yet, but I'm sure he will be when he figures out this whole chewing/teething thing!

September 29, 2014:  These baby blues, look out ladies!

September 30, 2014:  She won't stay still long enough to take a picture without the flash so shadows it is. Just look at these lashes and curls!

October 1, 2014:  Tyler is excited that he can finally hold and pick up his brother on his own. They adore each other! On a side note, someone is 5 months old today!

October 2, 2014:  A little mid day nap for my little man. He's growing so fast!

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos, I think my favorite this week was the one taken on September 29th!

    Oh and don't worry about being behind, I just got caught up, it only took me 8 weeks!


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