Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

I don't normally make New Year resolutions because I know that I won't keep them. This year is going to be different. This year I am going to do something that interests me and I'm forcing myself to stick to it! It is time to tackle some of those pinterest pins that I have been collecting. Although I'm not as ambitious as some, so I'm only shooting for 2 projects per month. Best wishes to you and your hopes/dreams for the new year! I gotta go get crafty!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 12-29-12

This has been a wonderful week of spending quality time with my kids!
5.  Bailey has fallen in love with my light up snowman. She kisses him goodnight every night and every morning drags one of us over to him to plug him in.
4.  I searched for 4 months and in 3 different states to find a blonde hair, blue eyed Cabbage Patch baby doll. I gave up and bought Bailey a few other things instead. By change, Tyler and I were in a local Target and they had 2 of them, but of course I couldn't buy it because he was with me. I went back a few days later and managed to snag the last one. I was glad I did! Here's her reaction:
"Oh Wow!"
This doll NEVER leaves her side!
3.  Tyler tied a blanket around his neck and played super hero.
2.  Bailey stunk. I grabbed a diaper and the box of wipes and sat on the floor to change her. She grabbed both of them from me ran to Grandma (who HATES to change diapers), put them in her lap and layed down on the floor in front of her. I didn't complain!
1.  Bailey:  "Ewwwww!"
Me or Brandon or Tyler:  "What's ewwww?"
Bailey:  Grunts and farts or poops. Then laughs.
I could have sworn the doctor told me she was a girl....
Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Year Changes Everything!

It's amazing how fast kids grow. My memory card on my camera filled up and I had to delete some old pictures to make room for new pictures. I'm absolutely amazed at how much Bailey has changed!

         Christmas 2011                                                           Christmas 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 12-22-2012

5.  With Tyler in Kindergarten this year at my school, we often have interesting conversations during our 6:00 AM drive. One morning last week we had this one:
Tyler- "Mom, you're pretty."
Me- "Aw, thanks buddy!"
Tyler:  "That was a nice thing to say, right mom?"
Me- "It sure was."
Tyler- "You smell good mommy. And so does grandma. That was nice to say too wasn't it!?"
Me- "Yes it was. You're a sweet boy. Do you say nice things like this to your teacher too?"
Tyler- "But I don't know if she smells good."
Me- "Why not?"
Tyler- "Cause I don't give her hugs!"
Good to know my boy is saving all his love for Mom and Grandma!
4.  Bailey has figured out how to speak and get a response. This is a frequent occurrence in our home:
Bailey- "Daddy!"
Daddy- "What?"
Bailey- smiles "Daddy!"
Daddy- "What?"......
3.  Let the pretend play begin! Bailey told me her doll was "shoooo" took a wipe out of the box and began to clean the babies bottom.
2.  The dolls in our house have been pretty naughty lately, but don't worry because the toddler in our house has been taking care of the discipline! They have all been spanked, told no, and put in the corner.
1.  We took the kids to see Santa.
I'm not sure, but I don't think Bailey liked him this year?
Have a great weekend and a Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 12-8-12

Bailey has been keeping our household smiling these days. Probably because she's the only one getting naps in and the rest of us our too tired to be funny.... Enjoy!
5.  Bailey and I were playing and I asked her to count something with me. I said, "1, 2, 3" and she immediately said "Go!" and ran away.
4.  Bailey climbed up onto one of our dinning room chairs this week when we were getting dinner out on the table. I moved her to her high chair which resulted in immediate and hysterical screams while she pointed at the chair. Our high chair now has a new home in the garage...
3.  Tyler had either a virus or the stomach flu early on this week. I asked him how he was feeling and he said his brain hurt.
2.  I asked Bailey one night if she needed her diaper changed. She looked at me and ran. I followed her straight to the bathroom where she attempted to sit on the toilet.
1.  Tyler was chilling in his bean bag chair watching a movie while Bailey and I shared a bowl of ice cream. He still wasn't feeling well and was refusing to eat. Bailey thought it was pretty cool that she was getting a special treat and Ty wasn't. Every bite I gave to her she ran across the room and put her face in front of his saying "mmmmmmmm!" Then she'd run back for more and do it again!
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: 12-5-2012

Over Thanksgiving, we got to go on a boat ride on my parent's lake. This was Bailey's first ride!



Tuesday, December 4, 2012

18 Months

My how time flies! Bailey is 18 months already and growing so fast. I now understand why my Grandma used to tell me as a young child that she wanted to put a brick on my head to keep me little! Here are her current milestones/stats:
-21 pounds!!
-Walking both up and down the stairs with very little support
-Identifies who various objects in the house belong to (clothes, shoes, toys...)
-Lets us know her every want/need and is determined to get all of them met
-Puts shoes on independently (and most of the time on the right feet!)
-Uses a fork/spoon when eating with some success
-Word count -- around 30
-Favorite words:  no, Tyler, mine, ball, hello
-Has to do everything big brother does!
-Complete Daddy's girl (unless Papa is around!)
-Climbing:  on the table, furniture, counters, etc.
-Sleeps 11 hours a night with a 2 hour nap
-Loves food, eats more than Tyler on a regular basis!
-Talks (and pretends to) on the cell phone
-Loves baby dolls
-Teeth:  8 top + 8 bottom = 16!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 12-1-12

5.  We put up our tree this week and the kids help decorate. Well, they decorated the bottom of it anyway. All of the orniments somehow managed to make it up to the rest of the tree after they went to bed.
4.  Bailey found the candy canes. The candy canes have now found the top of the tree.
3.  The elf on a shelf has come to visit and Tyler has to let everyone know. The girls at school all get a daily update on where he found him that day.
2.  Tyler went with me to Bailey's doctor appointment today. I'm mean, so I had them give him his flu shot while we were there and now he's not happy. On the way to the van he told me he didn't want to talk to me ever again.
1.  While eating dinner one night, Tyler began screaming and crying hysterically. Turns out, he had a spider on his lap. It only took me 5 minutes of hugs to get him to settle down and then he refused to come back and finish his dinner. I think he might just take after his mom!
Have a great weekend! :o)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 11-24-2012

I began the week by going to urgent care to be treated for a severe sinus infection and was crossing my fingers hoping that I would be healthy enough to enjoy Thanksgiving with my family that had made the 14 hour journey to visit. Thankfully the nice lady prescribed antibiotics and they worked! We had a great time at my parents house in SC.
5.  Bailey pointed to a can of Coke and said "pop" clear as day! I'm pretty sure she wanted some...
4.  Brandon yelled at Bailey for hitting Tyler. So she walked over and pinched me. I don't see how this is fair.
3.  We went Christmas tree shopping today! Bailey loved every minute of it. She walked up to each tree, touched it with 1 finger, yelled "tree", and then happily squealed and moved on to the next tree!
2.  After the novelty of touching each tree wore off, Bailey began an amusing game of chase me in a circle around the tree with Mommy.
1.  Daddy farted and said "shoooo". Bailey lifted his shirt and tried to check his diaper. :o)
Have a great weekend!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 11-16-2012

I can't believe Thanksgiving is almost here and Christmas is right around the corner! I'm looking forward to spending extra days next week with my little ones and spending some time with my family that is traveling south for the holiday. I hope you enjoy our laughs!
5.  While shopping at the local Walmart, Bailey and I overheard a mom a few aisles down from us yelling at her children for misbehaving. Bailey thinks she's the boss of everyone and began "helping" by shaking her finger and telling them "n-n-n-n-n-n!"
4.  Tyler is working hard to learn his sight words for school. When we practice them, Bailey is usually trying to run off with the flash cards. One night this week she chose to join him instead. Her response:
say see:  "Eh!"
say the:  "Eh!"
say is:  "Eh!"
say no:  "n-n-n-n-n-n!" with the added finger shake
say my:  "Eh!"
say to:  "Eh!"
say go:  (points to door) "G!"
say jump:  thinks, stands up and jumps
3.  Brandon was getting Bailey ready for a bath while I did some school work when he screams "She peed on me!" I.almost.died.laughing.
2.  Tyler spent the tail end of last week and early this week getting over a virus that had him throwing up and running a fever for several days.  He got up in the middle of the night last night and snuck into our bedroom. Brandon asked him what he wanted and he said "I want to snuggle. Look, I brought my puke blanket."
1.  Tyler and Bailey were playing together in what we refer to as the playroom when Bailey began SCREAMING. You know, the ear piercing, I think my child might be seriously injured kind of scream? Here is our conversation:
Dad:  "What did you do to her?"
Tyler:  "Nothing!"
Dad:  "Yes, you did. What did you do to her?"
Tyler:  "I just touched her."
Dad:  "No way. Did you sit on her?"
Tyler:  "No I just touched her, watch." (touches Bailey with one finger on the arm)
Bailey:  immediately screams
Me:  doubled over laughing
Have a fantastic weekend! :0)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 11-9-12

What a week! Tyler has (had?) some sort of virus this week that I'm praying doesn't make it's way through the rest of us! Thankfully Brandon's job is more flexible than mine so he stayed home with him the first day (during the worst of it!) and I stayed home on day 2. There wasn't too much laughing going on this week....
5.  Bailey has a doll stroller that she firmly believes she belongs in. Once she's in (or on it) she then screams to be rescued. And repeat...
4.  Our neighborhood installed some fantastic (insert sarcastic voice here) speed bumps a few weeks ago. They repaired one of them but haven't had a chance to paint it the same color as the rest of them. Tyler noticed this and said "Hey mom, the speed bumps are changing color because the trees are changing color!"
3.  Bailey was being herself a monster in the mall and threw her paci down on the floor about a hundred times. Brandon finally got tired of it and put it in his pocket. As we were walking through another store, she began screaming hysterically and pointing at a little girl. That little girl, had the exact same paci as Bailey. Bailey was quite surprised when Daddy gave it back to her and she realized there were 2 of them!
2.  Bailey wanted some grapes with dinner so I cut some up and gave them to her. She then looked at the grapes that were on my plate and began trying to put hers back together. They must not taste as good when cut in half???
1.  Tyler has had a wicked cough as well as a fever. Fearing Bronchitis I asked him if he was coughing up anything. He said yes, so I asked him to spit it out next time so I could see what it looked like. He coughed 2 seconds later and proceeded to spit on the carpet. Not quite what I was looking for kid...
Have a great weekend!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 11-3-2012

5.  I took the kids to the mall to get Bailey some new shoes. Upon walking into the shoe store, Bailey's eyes became as big as quarters, her jaw hit the floor, and she immediately began pointing yelling "that" while kicking her feet.
4.  Brandon gave Bailey a poptart that had a snowman on it. She refused to eat it and instead spent the morning talking to the snowman and giggling.
3.  Bailey loves to copy everything, everyone, ALL the time. While on a trip to the store:
Tyler coughed-Bailey coughed
Tyler cleared his throat-Bailey cleared her throat
Mommy laughed-Bailey fake laughed
Bailey clapped
Silly girl!
2.  I decided tonight that I wanted to rent a movie from the local red box machine for the first time (sad, I know). This is how the conversation went:  Tyler- "Mommy, what's the red box?"  Mommy- "You'll see." Tyler (In a super cute little boy/girly voice)- "I'm e-scited!"
1.  Tyler made honor roll for 1st quarter!! This teacher/mom is super excited! On the way home from school on the afternoon that his teacher sent home the invite Tyler says in a super depressed voice "Mom, I'm still on a roll." Me-"When are you going to be off of the roll?" Tyler-"I don't know."
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 10-27-12

5.  It's been a little chilly here lately so Bailey has been wearing blue jeans. This is an AWESOME thing because apparently when you wear blue jeans and your 17 months old, you can't lift your leg up high enough to climb on top of the couch!
4.  Bailey was sitting on my lap and I rubbed her back for a minute. When I stopped, she lifted her shirt and complained that I quit.
3.  I needed to talk with the assistant principal at school one afternoon and left Tyler in the office. When I got done I found that he had been brought into the Principal's office. She was cracking up and explained this conversation:
Secretary:  Tyler! Are you in trouble? Your in the Principal's office!
Tyler: No.....
Principal:  Tyler, do you want some fruit snacks?
Tyler:  Sure!
Principal:  Are you sure your mom won't get mad? I wouldn't want her mad at me.
Tyler:  Yeah cause then you'd have to come sit in this chair (referring to the principals chair).
2. Apparently I tell my kids at school to sit criss-cross applesauce a little too much. One afternoon while they were sitting in their chairs working a little too loudly I told them to "Please sit down criss-cross applesauce in your seat with a bubble in your mouth." One of my boys says "Mrs. Stickney, it's really hard to sit criss-cross applesauce in your chair!" I looked at him and sure enough, he was giving it a go! Oops, I hadn't even realized I said it!
1.  Brandon told Tyler to open his ears and listen. This is how Tyler responded:
Have a great weekend!! :0)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wordless Wednesday Pumpkin Patch Take 2: 10-23-12

The kids and I took a much needed break from the chaos of everyday life. We spent a weekend in SC with my parents and took a trip to their local pumpkin patch. Although it was a little expensive, the kids had a fantastic time!


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 10-13-12

5.  We took the kids to the local pumpkin patch this past week. They have a few animals there for the kids to pet. Bailey fell in love with the horses. She stood at the fence making kissing noises and patting her leg to get them to come to her!
4.  Whenever a question is asked beginning with "Where...." we get this response:

3.  Brandon was making some break and bake cookies. Tyler asked him if he was making cookies and his smart mouthed dad said "No, I'm cooking wood." Tyler then said, "I want to eat some wood. What's in it?" I replied "Just some leaves and dirt." When they finished cooking, he was so excited to get to try some wood! It's been a few days and he's still asking for it!
2.  Tyler wanted to play tea party. He draped a dark blanket over some larger toys, filled 2 cups with water and grabbed 2 apples. He drug daddy off of the couch and had a tea party, in the dark, in a tent that was only a foot or so off the ground. Dad was such a good sport about it!
1.  The following video is what happens when your 17 month old watches their big brother a little too closely...

Have a great weekend!!