Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Year Changes Everything!

It's amazing how fast kids grow. My memory card on my camera filled up and I had to delete some old pictures to make room for new pictures. I'm absolutely amazed at how much Bailey has changed!

         Christmas 2011                                                           Christmas 2012


  1. They do grow too fast!

    I held up a newborn outfit today at the store and was amazed at how small it was. Charlie only fit into newborn for a second (haha) but wow so tiny! Now her 20 month old self needs a 2t!

    1. I did the same thing a few days ago! It's funny how quickly you forget how tiny a newborn is!

  2. Look at them!!! They are so cute! They grow so fast! It makes me sad but it great to see them grow up!!! Have a great Christmas!!!

    1. Part of me is sad to see her getting so big and the other part is excited for her to become more independent! Merry Christmas to you and your family as well!

  3. You are telling me! They grow up so fast!!! I can't believe it sometimes!!


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