Thursday, December 25, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 51

It's finally Christmas week! The anticipation has been killing me. Bailey has been so excited this holiday season. Her eyes light up every time she sees Santa. Tyler has been questioning things this year and I'm afraid it might be the last year we have with him before he finds out the secret of Christmas. I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts!

December 19, 2014:  We made it to the doctor office today. Bailey has a double ear infection with a ruptured ear drum. Poor thing is such a trooper! She told us last night that her ear hurt and by the time we made it to the doctor today it had already ruptured. Her ornament from Grandma and Papa is keeping a smile on her fact though!

December 20, 2014:  I pulled out Hunter's quilt again today to try to figure out what to back it with. I didn't get that far, but he must like it because he stole it from me!

December 21, 2014:  Little Mr. Explorer. He finally made it to our slider and found Zoe outside. They sat nose to nose for a while. I think these two will be best of buds in no time!

December 22, 2014:  This dude is making me go broke! Today we were teasing him because his front tooth was crooked and funny looking so he went upstairs and pulled it out! Perfect timing for Christmas. "All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth..."

December 23, 2014:  Sugar cookie time! My mom started this tradition with my brother and I when we were little. The kids love to frost our cookies for Santa!

December 24, 2014:  I'm a total procrastinator! We had most of the gifts done, but I needed to finish a few. Bailey had to help wrap. She actually did a pretty good job! I'm glad we bought the good paper with the grid lines, it gave her some great fine motor practice!

December 25, 3014:  Hunter wasn't at all interested in opening up presents this morning, but he sure loved rolling around through all of the paper! The cutest reindeer on the block right here!

There's only a few days left in Catch the Moment 365 for the year. I hope you'll join in on the fun and link up next year!

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 50

I can't believe the year is almost done! This project has been a blast and I can't wait to take all of my pictures and put them into an album. What a wonderful memory for years to come!

December 12, 2014:  We shipped the kids off to Grandma's! Well, at least 2 of the 3. Bailey was waiting for Papa to load her up in the van.

December 13, 2014:  Hunter has loved all of the attention this weekend. He's still not really enjoying solid food, but is at least taking a few spoons full each night.

December 14, 2014:  I took some of my quiet time around the house this weekend to work on the front of a minky quilt that I've been working on for Hunter. I love the soft texture!

December 15, 2014:  Bailey and Tyler have returned from Grandma's house and brought some gifts with them from their Great-Great Aunt Karen. Hunter wasn't too sure of what to do with his.

December 16, 2014:  I work at the most amazing school! One of our custodian's gave EVERY child in our school a Christmas gift today. She is the most amazing person!

December 17, 2014:  We've had a couple of sick little one's on our hands this week. Both Bailey and Hunter have colds and Hunter was running a low grade fever today.

December 18, 2014:  I stayed home with both of the little one's today. Bailey started complaining about an earache tonight so I think we'll be heading to the doctor in the morning. Bailey managed to find a few of Tyler's stuffed animals while we were home today. They like to hang out and watch tv on our couch downstairs. It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't have to sit in my spot on the couch!

I'm looking forward to Christmas next week and hopefully getting the two littles over their colds.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 49

Have I mentioned how much I love this time of year? Christmas is such a joyful time. The excitement in the kids just amazes me. With all of the festivities that are coming up and going on around us, we sure have been busy!

December 4, 2014:  Our tree is up and the house is beginning to resemble Christmas. I noticed as I was editing this one that you can totally see me in my bathrobe taking the picture. I'll call this one my selfie for the year since I never did manage to get a picture of me.

December 5, 2014:  We had a fundraiser event at school today and Santa came! Bailey was much better this year about talking to him and even went up all by herself!

December 6, 2014:  A little brotherly love tonight! Hunter is becoming quite the climber. He loves his jungle gym brother.

December 7, 2014:  First of all, lets completely ignore the fact that Tyler refused to get out of his pj's today. Who doesn't like a comfy day? These 3 are making an apple pie together for dinner.

December 8, 2014:  Tyler hit his face on a slide at school last year and killed one of his front teeth. That black tooth has been bugging me ever since! Today, it finally fell out. I love his new toothless grin!

December 9, 2014:  Bailey is all about dolls of every kind and bags to contain her things.

December 10, 2014:  I dug out the kids' old set of stacking cups for Hunter to play with this week. He loves them! This picture isn't the best, but I love the drool string that I caught in mid air.

December 11, 2014:  He is never far from our tree! His favorite activity is to pull the tree skirt out from underneath it, but he likes to just sit and stare at the tree too.

I'm so excited for the upcoming holiday and holiday break! We still need to bring all 3 kids to see Santa at the mall and I have a ton of shopping to do yet. Hopefully I can finish it all up this weekend.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

7 Months ~ Hunter

Independence. That's been our word for the month, independence. You've discovered that you are your own person and are no longer interested in just laying around. In just a few short days you went from my super snuggly little man, to a guy on the go. I'm not sure that I like it yet, but you sure are proud. Over Thanksgiving break you learned a ton of new skills! Thanks for waiting until Mommy and Daddy could be home to watch you!

This month we were blessed with a visit from your Great-Grandma and Great-Great Aunt Marilyn. It was great to see them, and I know they enjoyed seeing just how much you have grown since they came down in May.

Sleep:  You're still sleeping in your crib during the night and at nap time, but you aren't sleeping as well as we would all like. Daddy keeps threatening to kick you out of our bedroom, but I'm just not ready to let go! You'll sleep for about 5 hours and then are up to nurse every 2 after that. It makes for some long days and nights!

Likes:  You love to be tossed around! I think you might be a roller coaster rider when you grow up! You also enjoy playing peek-a-boo. Your big brother is your favorite person, whenever he walks into the room your little eyes light up and the grinning and talking begin! You also love car rides and get super excited as soon as you get strapped into your car seat.

Dislikes:  You hate to be left out. It would be horrible if you missed something!

Favorite Toys:  You love the taggie blankets that Mommy made for you! You also enjoy anything that makes a crackle sound and your teething toys.

Eating:  You are eating about 16 ounces while at daycare and nurse every 2 hours pretty much around the clock when home. You started solid foods this month and so far have had sweet potatoes, peas, and applesauce. You aren't a fan of solid food in general, but definitely do not like the peas!

Milestones:  Where to begin?!  This month you have become a solid sitter, started crawling, can sit up from a crawling position, pulling up to your knees and feet, and can say mumum and dada. We've had to baby proof and move your crib down to the bottom position.

Tooth Count:  0

Words/Sounds:  You are full of of sounds this month! Mumumum and Dadada have topped the list! You have also mastered yaya and many other consonant/vowel combinations!

Firsts:  You celebrated your first Thanksgiving this month! We traveled down to Grandma and Papa's in SC for dinner. We also took you on your first Christmas tree hunt! You loved being outside and walking around the mountain with us.

We love you sweet boy!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 48

We had a wonderful holiday weekend with our family. I love sharing some of the same traditions I had as a child with our kids. We've started many of our own as well! This year, we chose to take the kids up into the mountains to cut our own Christmas tree. They enjoyed the experience, but we need to find a better farm to go to for next year.

November 27, 2014:  Thanksgiving! We had a great time at my parent's house for Thanksgiving weekend. It's always nice to get away for a few days and just relax!

November 28, 2014:  It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without a round of Trouble between Grandma and the kiddos!

November 29, 2014:  Hunter is still a little unsure of Grandma, but he's starting to warm up to her. He's also getting pretty good at this crawling thing.

November 30, 2014:  We got back home today and started setting up our Christmas tree. Bailey is so excited for Christmas this year. I just love to see the magic in her eye as she learns about all of the festivities to come.

December 1, 2014:  The tree is up, and now it's time to add some twinkle to the outside of the house. It's so different to hang lights up when it's warm enough to wear a short-sleeve shirt!

December 2, 2014:  This one is going to be trouble with the tree this year! I was hoping he wouldn't become mobile until after the holidays. No such luck!

December 3, 2014:  We limit Tyler's time with his technology, but it still seems like that's all he does most nights!

Thanksgiving is done, and now the Christmas rush is on! I love this time of the year, but it goes way too fast. I have a ton of shopping to do still and don't even want to begin thinking about how few days there are left between now and the big day!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 47

It feels great to be up-to-date and on time with these posts again! We're getting the kids and the car ready to head down to Grandma's house for a few days. The kids are super excited about spending time with Grandma and Papa and Brandon and I are eager to run away from them and go out on our first date since before Hunter was born!

November 21, 2014:  Hunter has become so expressive when he's talking. I spent a few days just taking pictures of his different expressions to put together a collage in his scrapbook. Here's one of my favorite faces for the bunch.

November 22, 2014:  Our first taste of food, sweet potatoes! He wasn't too impressed, but I'm sure the thought of solids will grow on him. I can't believe my baby is old enough for this!

November 23, 2014:  The kids decided to go into hiding tonight. They typically don't use the tv in the loft, but Bailey wanted to watch a movie and Tyler didn't want to be alone.

November 24, 2014:  I just love chubby baby toes and fingers! Plus, look at Hunter's new trick, sitting! This week has brought some big milestones for Mr. Chunky! Sitting, first foods, and crawling!

November 25, 2014:  Hunter's doctor thinks that there may be an issue with the shape of his head causing a slight asymmetry with his face. Our appointment is tomorrow, I'm trying to suck in all of the band free moments that I can!

November 26, 2014:  Our appointment went great, and little man does not need a Doc Band! This Mommy couldn't be more excited! Bailey was thrilled to see her brother when we came home from our appointment.

I'll have to add our Thanksgiving picture in with next week's post. Happy Thanksgiving, from my family to yours!!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 46

This project has quickly become centered around Hunter and Bailey. Poor Tyler has been significantly neglected in the world of pictures. Hopefully with everything going on around the holidays he'll show up a little more!

November 14, 2014:  Hunter is finally starting to enjoy his freedom and isn't expecting to be held 24/7. I love the snuggles, but the freedom is much appreciated!

November 15, 2014:  She is such a pain, but yet he loves her to pieces! I hope they continue to enjoy each other for years to come, but I have a feeling it'll change!

November 16, 2014:  There is nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby. Hunter is starting to enjoy his crib and will often refuse to nap unless he's in it! Yay for small successes!

November 17, 2014:  I love the look on Hunter's face in the background. He's watching her close and I'm sure is thinking he'd love to chase her down and take his trucks back!

November 18, 2014:  Hunter loves to get down on the floor and just play all of a sudden. I have a love/hate for this new development. It's so hard to watch your last baby grow up so quickly!

November 19, 2014:  That focus and concentration! I'm not sure what he was trying to get that silly monkey to do, but clearly it wasn't working out for him!

November 20, 2014:  Bailey wanted to eat these marshmallows so bad, but fell asleep in Daddy's chair before it was snack time.

I'm still in shock that next week is Thanksgiving and it's time to start shopping for Christmas presents already! Time sure has flown.

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 45

We've been trying to convince my Grandma to fly down to NC for a winter visit for the last few years. This year, she finally did it! It was so nice to get to spend time with her for a few days as well as her sister. I can't wait to get her back down here next year! It would have only been better if I would have remembered my camera on our visit.

November 7, 2014:  It's after Halloween, Christmas PJ's are allowed right? Mr. Chubby won't fit in these for much longer, I figured I better break them out!

November 8, 2014:  Off to Grandma's house we go! Great-Grandma flew down for a few days so we traveled for a fun filled weekend at Grandma's house. Too bad Mommy forgot the good camera as we were packing the van up!

November 9, 2014:  What's a trip to Grandma and Papa's house without some fishing? Great-Grandma had a wonderful time!

November 10, 2014:  Bailey loves to play in our shoe bin. She dug out Tyler's old baseball cleats and insisted that she wear them around the house.

November 11, 2014:  We left Grandma's house yesterday to come back home, and today they all came up for a visit. Here is our house guest for the day!

November 12, 2014:  Hunter is getting so big so quick!

November 13, 2014:  He's so close to crawling! He can get up on all 4's and rock as well as roll and turn circles to reach for toys that he's after. Slow down little dude, slow down!