Thursday, December 11, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 49

Have I mentioned how much I love this time of year? Christmas is such a joyful time. The excitement in the kids just amazes me. With all of the festivities that are coming up and going on around us, we sure have been busy!

December 4, 2014:  Our tree is up and the house is beginning to resemble Christmas. I noticed as I was editing this one that you can totally see me in my bathrobe taking the picture. I'll call this one my selfie for the year since I never did manage to get a picture of me.

December 5, 2014:  We had a fundraiser event at school today and Santa came! Bailey was much better this year about talking to him and even went up all by herself!

December 6, 2014:  A little brotherly love tonight! Hunter is becoming quite the climber. He loves his jungle gym brother.

December 7, 2014:  First of all, lets completely ignore the fact that Tyler refused to get out of his pj's today. Who doesn't like a comfy day? These 3 are making an apple pie together for dinner.

December 8, 2014:  Tyler hit his face on a slide at school last year and killed one of his front teeth. That black tooth has been bugging me ever since! Today, it finally fell out. I love his new toothless grin!

December 9, 2014:  Bailey is all about dolls of every kind and bags to contain her things.

December 10, 2014:  I dug out the kids' old set of stacking cups for Hunter to play with this week. He loves them! This picture isn't the best, but I love the drool string that I caught in mid air.

December 11, 2014:  He is never far from our tree! His favorite activity is to pull the tree skirt out from underneath it, but he likes to just sit and stare at the tree too.

I'm so excited for the upcoming holiday and holiday break! We still need to bring all 3 kids to see Santa at the mall and I have a ton of shopping to do yet. Hopefully I can finish it all up this weekend.


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