Tuesday, June 24, 2014

B Turns 3!

I'm not sure how my baby girl managed to turn 3 already It seems like you made your grand appearance into this world just yesterday (someday I'll blog about your crazy birth story). You are a handful of a child that can make me laugh, cry, and scream all within seconds. You have a special way about you that people can't help but love, even if you're busy telling them to go away because you 'don't like them'!

Favorite Foods:  You love snack foods including popcorn, chips, and fruit snacks. There isn't much that we have found that you don't like. No one can have a salad without you stealing half of it, and you also enjoy taking the bacon from our BLT sandwiches.

Foods you don't like:  You don't like brussel sprouts, olives, and onions. Other than that, you will pretty much eat anything we stick in front of you!

Favorite TV shows:  You love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse so much you sing the song in your sleep! Some other favorites include Doc McStuffins and Jake and the Neverland Pirates.

Favorite Activities:  You squeal with delight when you hear the word playdough! It usually ends up spread from one end of the house to the other. Coloring, painting, sidewalk chalk, catch, bothering Tyler, and anything involving outside are also favorites!

Favorite Toys:  Baby dolls and anything related to them! You spend most days carrying around your babies, pushing them in strollers, changing their diapers, putting them in Hunters bouncy, swing, or car seat, and feeding them.

Sleep:  Much to my dismay, you have given up naps most days and typically sleep around 10 hours a night. I miss nap time!

Milestones/Firsts:  This year you have become fully potty trained (right after you turned 2) and can say anything you want. You have graduated from your crib to a big girl bed and became a big sister. You love caring for your baby brother (sometimes a little too much!). You can count to 10 and know the basic colors.

Bailey-isms:  alligator means elevator, hang-gerber means hamburger, poor means for, fwing means swing

Best Friends:  Gabby (from daycare), Lyla (Grandma's neighbor) and D (our neighbor's grandson)

Your big blue eyes and beautiful curly blond hair get you pretty much whatever you want from just about anyone, your little heart is so full of joy and love that no one can resist you, and even though you tend to drive Daddy, Tyler, and I crazy most days we couldn't imagine life without you. We love you little one!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 24

We took an early vacation this week and headed up north to Michigan to attend Brandon's Grandfather's funeral. The kids had a blast playing with their cousins, and Hunter enjoyed getting to meet many family members for the first time. We were even able to get that ever-so-difficult-to-get 5 generation family picture for him. Summer is off to a fun start! 

June 13, 2014:  After an all night drive, we arrived into the great state of Michigan! Bailey hasn't seen her cousins since last summer when she was 2. I was absolutely amazed how quickly she took to them. It was like they had never been separated!

 June 14, 2014:  The timing of Grandpa's funeral allowed us to attend my cousin's wedding that I otherwise wouldn't have been able to go to. It was a beautiful outdoor service. They chose to pour sand into this glass instead of the traditional unity candle so they could include their children. My adorable little cousin accidentally spilled his red sand. You can see the little finger prints from where he tried to pick it up to get it back into the jar.

June 15, 2014:  The kids and I visited their Great-Great-Grandma in the nursing home. She fell instantly in love with little Hunter! Grandma Berg wouldn't put him down!

June 16, 2014:  Bailey enjoying her favorite late night snack, popcorn!

June 17, 2014:  My nephew Hayden had a baseball game while we were up. He played great, way to go number 8!

June 18, 2014:  Hayden loves babies. I think he would keep Hunter if I'd let him!

June 19, 2014:  Grandma Rosie got to hold her newest Grandson for the first time!

Nurse Loves Farmer

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 23

Summer vacation is officially here, Tyler turned 7, and Hunter hit the 6 week mark! We pretty much hung around the house and relaxed. This weekend we are headed for Michigan to attend a funeral, a wedding, and visit family. I'm looking forward to some different picture opportunities!

June 6, 2014:  Tyler turned 7! He and Bailey had a blast making silly surprised faces as they opened up his presents.

June 7, 2014:  Grandma and Papa came over to celebrate Tyler's Birthday. I was feeling less than creative and decided to make a simple baseball cake this year. Although it took little work, he loved it!

June 9, 2014:  I believe this is the first picture that I have taken of all 3 kids other than the pictures from the hospital.

June 10, 2014:  I <3 this girl!

June 11, 2014:  Little man is officially a 2nd grader!

June 12, 2014:  This little thing used to be swallowed up by his bouncer. Not any more! Stop growing!

June 13, 2014:  The changing table, where we spend a good portion of our day!

As always, I've joined the link up over at Nurse Loves Farmer. Click the link below to check out some other great projects!
Nurse Loves Farmer

Friday, June 6, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 22

This week was full of firsts and lasts. Tyler played in his last t-ball game for the season. I didn't get any good pictures thanks to Hunter demanding that I hold him during the entire game. It's a good thing for him that I enjoy snuggling. It was also Tyler's last full week of school and a field day to celebrate which allowed me to get back up to the school and visit with my students for a couple of minutes!

5-30-14:  Someone got the bright idea to give Bailey Hungry Hungry Hippo for her birthday a couple of weeks ago. She loves it, I hate it. Too bad I'm that someone. By the way, does anyone else remember this game being ridiculously loud when they were a kid, because I sure don't.

May 31, 2014:  Hunter's belly button finally healed enough for his first tub bath, he loved it!

April 1, 2014:  Real or fake? Bailey got this doll for her birthday and it fools everyone who comes to our house. It doesn't help that baby is often swinging, bouncing or getting ready for a car ride in the real baby's gear.

April 2, 2014:  I think we have another blue eyed child!

April 3, 2014:  We snuck out to Tyler's school for a few minutes for field day. They had a blast!

April 4, 2014:  Tummy time always turns into nap time with this one...

April 5, 2014:  Completing what is hopefully his last homework assignment for the year!

I'm looking forward to school being done and actually getting to sleep in! So I may be dreaming on that one with 3 kids including a newborn in the house, but a girls gotta dream right!?!? We will also be celebrating Tyler's 7th birthday over the weekend. How did that happen?

Check out some more 365 projects through the link below!
Nurse Loves Farmer

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

1 Month ~ Hunter

I can't believe it's already been a month! If you want time to go by a little quicker, have a baby and watch it fly!

Sleep:  You're usually in bed around 9 or 10 and sleep one 4-5 hour stretch. Then you resume your every 2 hour eating schedule until 7:00 when you have to get up for the day to take big brother to school. You're currently sleeping in a rock and play at night and will nap just about anywhere. You don't fall asleep very well on your own and usually need to be nursed, rocked or suck on a paci to fall asleep.

Likes:  You love to swing,  be held by anyone, warm baths, and to be talked to (you'll even give a smile or two!).

Dislikes:  You don't like when you have a dirty diaper or to be put down or left alone for more than a few minutes.

Eating:  You nurse every 2 hours around the clock. Mommy is just a little tired. :0)

Milestones:  You will give us occasional smiles when we catch your gaze and talk to you (this started at 2 weeks!), and are beginning to hold your head up for short periods of time.
Your smiles are still pretty unexpected. I caught the end of one in this picture.
Tooth Count:  None

Words:  You are trying so hard to make sounds to communicate. We will hear an occasional squeak after a lot of concentration and failed attempts.

Clothes:  You managed to outgrow your newborn clothes within a week of coming home from the hospital. You are currently in 0-3 month clothes but some of the those are starting to get tight due to your length. You are wearing a size 1 diaper but will soon be in a size 2.

Personality:  You are calm and easy going for most of the day. You love to be snuggled up in a little ball but don't mind going for a ride in the swing or car seat. Evenings are rough, you usually get pretty upset. The only things that will calm you down at night are walks outside, your paci,  and lots of extra snuggles.

Firsts:  Your Great-Grandma, Great-Great Aunts, and Great-Great-Uncle came for their first visit with you when you were 3 days old. You also celebrated your first Memorial Day with our family, your Grandma Debbie, and Grandpa Dave.

As much as I want time to stand still to keep you little, I also can't wait to see you grow and what this next month brings! We love you little guy!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 21

This week was pretty laid back. My in-laws came down for a visit along with my niece which kept the kids busy over the weekend. Tyler returned to school on Tuesday, and it was back to our typical daily routine.

May 23, 2014:  Tyler found a stuffed puppy in JC Penny when he was about a year old. He was so excited about that I couldn't refuse to buy it. 7 years later, they are still his favorite and he doesn't like to sleep without them. I found a similar puppy by the same company online and had to order one for Hunter. Bailey naturally stole it. :0)

May 24, 2014:  My niece spent the weekend on the couch and Tyler decided he needed to have a sleep over in the living room with her. (Note the above mentioned puppies.)

May 25, 2014:  A little pool time fun with their cousin.

May 26, 2014:  She had a long day! Loving the video apps for her leap pad.

May 27, 2014:  Hunter is becoming so much more alert! He loves to look at the toys on his play gym. He's also loosing his hair and I HAD to get a picture of what's left on the back of his head!

May 28, 2014:  This kid is such a chub! This isn't the greatest picture, but I love it because it shows off all of his extra rolls. He's so different from our other 2 kids that were always on the small side.

May 29, 2014:  Bailey had her 3 year check up today and came out perfectly healthy. She was a total stinker for her doctor, but that's nothing different. Poor B ended up with a slightly boyish baby book, it was the most gender neutral book that I could find when I was pregnant with her. Apparently I'm one of only a handful that chooses not to find out what they are having at the ultrasound.

It was a great week, and I can't wait to see what next week brings! Swing on by Nurse Loves Farmer to check out all of the other great projects! (See link below!)

Nurse Loves Farmer