Wednesday, June 4, 2014

1 Month ~ Hunter

I can't believe it's already been a month! If you want time to go by a little quicker, have a baby and watch it fly!

Sleep:  You're usually in bed around 9 or 10 and sleep one 4-5 hour stretch. Then you resume your every 2 hour eating schedule until 7:00 when you have to get up for the day to take big brother to school. You're currently sleeping in a rock and play at night and will nap just about anywhere. You don't fall asleep very well on your own and usually need to be nursed, rocked or suck on a paci to fall asleep.

Likes:  You love to swing,  be held by anyone, warm baths, and to be talked to (you'll even give a smile or two!).

Dislikes:  You don't like when you have a dirty diaper or to be put down or left alone for more than a few minutes.

Eating:  You nurse every 2 hours around the clock. Mommy is just a little tired. :0)

Milestones:  You will give us occasional smiles when we catch your gaze and talk to you (this started at 2 weeks!), and are beginning to hold your head up for short periods of time.
Your smiles are still pretty unexpected. I caught the end of one in this picture.
Tooth Count:  None

Words:  You are trying so hard to make sounds to communicate. We will hear an occasional squeak after a lot of concentration and failed attempts.

Clothes:  You managed to outgrow your newborn clothes within a week of coming home from the hospital. You are currently in 0-3 month clothes but some of the those are starting to get tight due to your length. You are wearing a size 1 diaper but will soon be in a size 2.

Personality:  You are calm and easy going for most of the day. You love to be snuggled up in a little ball but don't mind going for a ride in the swing or car seat. Evenings are rough, you usually get pretty upset. The only things that will calm you down at night are walks outside, your paci,  and lots of extra snuggles.

Firsts:  Your Great-Grandma, Great-Great Aunts, and Great-Great-Uncle came for their first visit with you when you were 3 days old. You also celebrated your first Memorial Day with our family, your Grandma Debbie, and Grandpa Dave.

As much as I want time to stand still to keep you little, I also can't wait to see you grow and what this next month brings! We love you little guy!


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