Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 21

This week was pretty laid back. My in-laws came down for a visit along with my niece which kept the kids busy over the weekend. Tyler returned to school on Tuesday, and it was back to our typical daily routine.

May 23, 2014:  Tyler found a stuffed puppy in JC Penny when he was about a year old. He was so excited about that I couldn't refuse to buy it. 7 years later, they are still his favorite and he doesn't like to sleep without them. I found a similar puppy by the same company online and had to order one for Hunter. Bailey naturally stole it. :0)

May 24, 2014:  My niece spent the weekend on the couch and Tyler decided he needed to have a sleep over in the living room with her. (Note the above mentioned puppies.)

May 25, 2014:  A little pool time fun with their cousin.

May 26, 2014:  She had a long day! Loving the video apps for her leap pad.

May 27, 2014:  Hunter is becoming so much more alert! He loves to look at the toys on his play gym. He's also loosing his hair and I HAD to get a picture of what's left on the back of his head!

May 28, 2014:  This kid is such a chub! This isn't the greatest picture, but I love it because it shows off all of his extra rolls. He's so different from our other 2 kids that were always on the small side.

May 29, 2014:  Bailey had her 3 year check up today and came out perfectly healthy. She was a total stinker for her doctor, but that's nothing different. Poor B ended up with a slightly boyish baby book, it was the most gender neutral book that I could find when I was pregnant with her. Apparently I'm one of only a handful that chooses not to find out what they are having at the ultrasound.

It was a great week, and I can't wait to see what next week brings! Swing on by Nurse Loves Farmer to check out all of the other great projects! (See link below!)

Nurse Loves Farmer


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