Sunday, May 25, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 20

I can't believe we're already on week 20! We had a super busy week. Bailey turned 3, we celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary, and Tyler played in 2 ball games. To round out the week, our friends welcomed into the world their beautiful baby boy! I can't wait to get some cute pictures of the two babies together. It couldn't have been a better week!

May 16, 2014:  This little monster turned 3!! She couldn't wait to open presents!

May 17, 2014:  Grandma and Papa came over to celebrate Lil' Miss' birthday. She couldn't have been happier!

 May 18, 2014:  I caved. At 3 weeks old, he now has a paci pretty much every day.

May 19, 2014: Poser.

 May 20, 2014:  This guy I tell you!

May 21, 2014:  Being a stinker at Ty's baseball game.

May 22, 2014:  A surprise from the hubs for our 10th wedding anniversary.

Nurse Loves Farmer


  1. Happy birthday to Bailey and do NOT worry about the paci. They work for a reason! Luckily Braden took one and Ethan found his thumb, it really does help soothe them!

    1. My thumb sucker was the easiest! I don't mind them having a paci, but hate taking them away. :0(

  2. Happy birthday Bailey! Love her curls, reminds me of myself growing up!

    As for giving into the paci - way to go! It will help you immensely!!

    1. Thank you, thank you, and thank you! It seems to really help him in the evenings.

  3. The paci is not too bad. My daughter did her thumb & the paci. She sucks her thumb at night & that habit is going to be harder for her to break. Lets just say....we might as well set up a braces account. Our son loves his paci & we don't fight it. He tried to suck his thumb & fingers early on, but we encouraged the paci instead. Either way...the paci or the fingers, after a while you give up & just want to sleep!!! Congratulations on the baby!

    1. I agree! Sleep is my friend (although I haven't had any in a few months so the memory is vague).


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