Friday, May 16, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 19

We've now been a family of 5 for 2 full weeks! Daddy decided to spoil the kids this week and bought them a new pool. I'm sure there will be plenty of pool pictures over the coming weeks!

May 19, 2014:  Our princess loves to steal everyone else's food. Dad sat down to eat a salad and she made herself right at home in his lap so she could steal a few bites.

May 10, 2014:  The set up of the pool! The kids worked all day for two days getting this thing ready. It didn't help that they set it up on a rainy weekend and had to stop several times to wait for a rain cloud to pass. Bailey had fun playing with the hose as it filled up!

May 11, 2014:  Despite the water being ridiculously cold, both kids spent most of the day Sunday swimming!

May 12, 2014:  Our Aunt Karen came up for a visit today and brought the older two kids some bubbles to play with.

May 13, 2014:  Back in the pool we go! Bailey loves to shoot the squirt gun at our dog Zoe. No worries, she loves water and enjoys every minute of it!

May 14, 2014:  I can't believe he's 2 weeks old already, yikes! Slow down a little bit big man, Mommy wants to enjoy you a little longer!

May 15, 2014:  I sent Daddy and Bailey to the store to buy Hunter a play gym and they came back with this. Bailey has decided it's hers and spent most of the day crawling in and out of it as well as putting her stuffed animals to sleep in it.

This post is actually going up on time! I'm so proud! ;0) I'm having a blast keeping up with this project, especially now that I'm getting some energy back. I can't wait to print all of the pictures at the end of the year and create a scrap book of our year!

Head on over to Nurse Loves Farmer and check out some of the other blogger's projects! (Link below!)
Nurse Loves Farmer


  1. Great photos and congrats on the babe!! I love your girl's big blue eyes and curly hair. That pool looks pretty nice right about now. :)

    1. Thank you! I can't wait to get the all clear to jump in there with them!

  2. All the pool pictures are wonderful! Especially your girl with the hose!

    1. She has such a crazy look in that one! :0)

  3. What great photos, seems like you guys had a wonderful week! :)


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