Thursday, July 2, 2015

Week 26 ~ Catch the Moment

Busy, busy, busy describes our life perfectly as of late. We are getting ready for a fun filled 4th of July weekend!

June 25:  In an attempt to get Hunter into his own room, we got the big kids a set of bunk beds. I have a feeling there will be a lot of memories built into these beds! They've already built forts and like to use them to hide in.

June 26:  This is pretty typical. Hunter steals remote, TV channel is changed, Hunter gives an evil grin...

June 27:  Again with the dishes! Bailey was playing with her tutu and Daddy decided Hunter needed to try it on. I'm totally using this against him when he starts dating!

June 28:  It's a sneak attack!

June 29:  His shirt says it all!

June 30:  After a sticky breakfast of waffles and syrup, I didn't want to give Hunter a full bath so he took a quick dip in the sink.

July 1:  Daddy was washing the camper up and Hunter figured he'd help.

Have a great 4th of July!!!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment