Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Week 36 ~ Catch the Moment

September 2:  Brandon surprised Bailey and I with flowers today just because. :)

September 3:  We're getting ready to go on yet another camping adventure! Hunter was trying to help put the gate and his swim diapers out into the camper.

September 4:  This kid is growing up way to quickly! At some point in the last year he has gone from being my baby boy to my not so baby boy. He's insisting on doing things like helping dad start the fire.

September 5:  We went and visited this pretty covered bridge which was near our campground. We also went on a hike back to a water fall. I need to make a separate post for all of our camping fun!

September 6:  Hunter found Grandma's (empty) pop can and took off with it! I couldn't resist snapping this cute moment in the morning sun light!

September 7:  We celebrated my birthday a few days early tonight with cake and ice cream. Hunter approves!

September 8:  Again with the toddler toes, too cute!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Week 35 ~ Catch the Moment

August 26:  School has started back up and that means it's back to an early bed time! The kids weren't thrilled when they were in bed and it was still light out.

August 27:  Bailey thinks she's cute hanging from the stairway railing.

August 28:  Tyler and Bailey took a few minutes today to enjoy some time outside on their bikes.

August 29:  This little piggy went to the market, this little piggy... I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love baby toes!

August 30:  Back to the grind! It sure was a nice couple of months with no homework!

August 31:  I hate that his face isn't in focus, but I was really going for his hands and just happened to catch him liking his shirt!

September 1:  A typical week day morning. All 3 kids are up early and eating a quick breakfast on the go. Hunter managed to steal the last of Bailey's banana this morning!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Week 34 ~ Catch the Moment

August 20:  It's so hard to get pictures every day when I'm at school all day long! I must get better about sneaking something in when I can. Here's a close up of my favorite bush in our front yard.

August 21:  Hunter was trying to escape the house tonight when I went to get the mail.

August 22:  Typical Tyler with this Kindle at night. I can't say I blame him though, I like to unwind at night using social media.

August 23:  Tyler decided to take one last dip in the pool before Brandon takes it down for the summer. We got a ton of use out of it this summer, but school starts tomorrow and there just won't be time for swimming after that!

August 24:  The first day of school! This big guy is now a 3rd grader and his mamma sure is feeling old!

August 25:  Tyler got his uniform tonight. His team this year will be the Indians.

August 26:  Hunter was obsessed with my feet tonight. I'm not sure why, but I'm not going to complain about the extra attention either!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Week 33 ~ Catch the Moment

August 13:  There's nothing like a little brother to drive a girl crazy! Here Bailey, have a plastic orange slice.

August 14:  Again with the little brother. Hunter got his little hands on Bailey's Lego masterpiece. It didn't survive his not so gentle toddler touch and she wasn't a happy camper about it. Mean while, mom stood by with her camera to document the entire dismantling process.

August 15:  I think she's shooting at me for not keeping Hunter from destroying her castle yesterday!

August 16:  A boy and his blankie.

August 17:  Hunter was outside trying to keep up with the big boys who were playing catch. Their basketball was almost as big as he is!

August 18:  Tyler's first baseball practice! Hunter and Bailey were playing in the dirt of course.

August 19:  This is my Mom's dog Maya. She made for a great subject tonight. They're staying with us to help me attempt to get my classroom in order!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Week 32 ~ Catch the Moment

August 6:  You can't tell by the adorable yawn in this picture, but this little guy is super excited to go on another camping trip this coming weekend!

August 7:  We've arrived at our campground in SC. The kids are having a blast running around in the grass and playing. I caught Bailey in a still moment and got this picture of her adorable chubby cheeks and pretty curls.

August 8:  We took a few hours today to go to the beach. We went to Beach Walker State Park. It's a pretty beach and was perfect for the kids to play on. Tyler loves the ocean and jumped right in when we got there!

August 9:  Our campsite backs up to the owner's cow pasture. Tyler was trying to get the cows to come over to him and Hunter figured he'd help.

August 10:  We're back home already, our weekend camping trips are never long enough! Bailey figured she'd enjoy a late summer dip in the pool.

August 11:  Bailey, Hunter and I went for a quick walk today. She stopped and posed herself on this bridge behind our house. Maybe she'll get the hang of this picture thing after all! Yeah, right!

August 12:  Just a typical night in our house! The kids are always jumping around and acting crazy.

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Week 31 ~ Catch the Moment

July 30:  There is nothing sweeter than a baby curled up in their crib ready for bed.

July 31:  The older two are off to Grandma's house for a few days. Hunter and I went out in the yard for a bit and ran into this little guy. God's creatures are amazing.

August 1:  This isn't the best picture, but I couldn't resist this adorable yawn!

August 2:  Hunter loves that he gets to play with his own toys by himself when big bro and sis are away!

August 3:  The duck face continues on! It's even cuter now that you can see his front two teeth through it!

August 4:  Daddy was bringing in the trash can and Hunter wanted to help. I couldn't resist snapping a picture with the sunset in the background.

August 5:  Blankie needed a bath and Hunter wasn't the happiest about it! He really wasn't mad either, but he stood by the washer pointing and talking to blankie through the entire cycle!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment