Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Week 36 ~ Catch the Moment

September 2:  Brandon surprised Bailey and I with flowers today just because. :)

September 3:  We're getting ready to go on yet another camping adventure! Hunter was trying to help put the gate and his swim diapers out into the camper.

September 4:  This kid is growing up way to quickly! At some point in the last year he has gone from being my baby boy to my not so baby boy. He's insisting on doing things like helping dad start the fire.

September 5:  We went and visited this pretty covered bridge which was near our campground. We also went on a hike back to a water fall. I need to make a separate post for all of our camping fun!

September 6:  Hunter found Grandma's (empty) pop can and took off with it! I couldn't resist snapping this cute moment in the morning sun light!

September 7:  We celebrated my birthday a few days early tonight with cake and ice cream. Hunter approves!

September 8:  Again with the toddler toes, too cute!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment


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