Saturday, November 30, 2013

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 11-30-2013

I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving! We've enjoyed some much needed family time over the last several days. This week is a bit of a Bailey overload as she has become increasingly vocal and is letting her personality shine through!

5.  We took a trip down to B's favorite store, Food Lion one evening. They were out of the carts with the cars hooked to the front so she immediately informed the nearest clerk that they needed to buy more.

4.  As I stated, little miss is really starting to talk. Non stop. Brandon says to me one night "All she does is talk!" B's response, "Me? Nooooo...."

3.  Tyler was talking about going the beach again next summer. B informed us that she wants to go to the beach too. But she doesn't want sand on her toes and we need to carry her.
This is how we spent our trip to the
beach this summer.
2.  I got the stockings out to hang on the mantle. B grabbed one up said it was hers and stuck her foot in it!

1.  We are in full on toddler nose picking territory over here! It's constant, and if you correct her she'll go hide around the corner to continue the dig for gold. Tyler explained today that "Bailey can pick her nose if she wants to. It's her nose!" EWWWWW!!!!!!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 11-23-2013

Is Thanksgiving really only a few days away? This year has gone by so fast! Time needs to slow down, just a little! Linking up with Melissa from The Mommyhood Chronicles!

dentistmelsbbutton 12 Saturday Top Five Laughs  Come Join Our Blog Hop!

5.  Ask Bailey what her name is and you're sure to get the response of "Me!"

4.  Bailey is ALL girl! This last week she has become even more obsessed with her baby doll. Everywhere she goes, it goes along with it's car seat, bottle, blanket and whatever else she is dragging with her.

3.  Tyler is too smart for his own good. We were at the fabric store and Bailey wouldn't follow us. So he said "Bailey, look Mini Mouse is over here!" and off she went!

2.  Do not mention food lion in this house or you will have a 2 year old with shoes and coat on waiting by the door!

1.  This is how Bailey wanted to eat dinner the other night:

Have a great weekend!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Craft Along Monday: Gobble Gobble

With Thanksgiving right around the corner and my desperately wanting to share with the world our upcoming bundle of joy, I thought why not have the kids make turkeys? They made 3 of them to use for our special announcement and boy did they have fun!

What you need:
paper towel or toilet paper rolls, brown and orange construction paper,
feathers, google eyes, glue, and small rubber bands
The first step was to cover the rolls with brown paper which I had already cut to size.
Watching intently as big brother shows her how to work the glue.

A master already! Who knew glue was so much fun?

Trying his best to roll the paper on. I had to help a little with this step.
After covering the rolls in brown paper, we glued the feathers, eyes, and noses on using the white glue. I used the small rubber bands to help hold the paper and feathers in place while they were drying. I was hoping to get pictures of each of these stages as well, but my fingers were covered in glue from helping the kids. I kind of like my camera and didn't want the shutter button to be glued down so you're going to have to use your imagination! 

The final product:

I hope you enjoyed our project! Feel free to link up any craft activities you have completed with your family!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Welcome To The Family

It's time to announce to the world that we will be welcoming another bundle of joy into our hearts in early May of 2014, and we couldn't be more thrilled! 

Tyler was the first to find out other than myself and my husband. He did such a great job of keeping it a secret from the teachers and kids at school for several weeks. He has had a blast finally being able to tell all of his friends and family as well as the ladies at school. My amazing principal thought since he had to keep such a giant secret that we should let him tell the staff at our next meeting, and that he did. It was priceless! He stood up in front of 40+ women and said "Mrs. Stickney is pregnant. And the baby will be here on May the 4th." It was absolutely adorable and everyone was taken by surprise!

Everything has been going wonderfully. I am finally past the morning sickness stage and am hoping to get some energy back soon. We go in for our next checkup in a week and a half. Sorry I've been neglecting my blog and have been absent from commenting on your blogs, hopefully as my energy picks up a little again I'll be on here more.

Here is the announcement the kids helped me to make.

I'm hoping to put up my Craft-Along Monday tomorrow with our turkey creations!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Top 5 Saturday Laughs 11-9-2013

It's been a very busy couple of months. Our school district has adopted several new initiatives this year which has kept me more than busy, but I have been blessed this year with an amazing group of students. Without them, I don't know how I would be surviving right now! Hopefully things will start to slow down a little so I can get on here more often again!

As always, I'm linking up with Melissa over at The Mommyhood Chronicles. Head on over and check out her Saturday Laughs as well!

dentistmelsbbutton 12 Saturday Top Five Laughs  Come Join Our Blog Hop!

5.  Tyler told Daddy the other day to call his boss and tell him to take the day off. His reasoning, he could be Daddy's boss for the day.

4.  I asked Tyler what he wanted to be when he grew up and he said, "I want to be like Grandma. I'll stay at home while my wife goes to work." Somehow, I don't think this plan will work for him...

3.  Bailey refuses to hold my hand while walking now. She will only hold Tyler's.

2.  We put Bailey to bed one night and she REFUSED to go to sleep. She finally told us she would go to bed unless she could have one of my pillows, which she has slept on nightly ever since.

1.  Bailey was eating french fries and ketchup with her dinner one night and watched her stick her finger in the ketchup and play with it. I asked her what she was doing and she told me "I painting!"

Have a great weekend!! :0)