Saturday, November 30, 2013

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 11-30-2013

I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving! We've enjoyed some much needed family time over the last several days. This week is a bit of a Bailey overload as she has become increasingly vocal and is letting her personality shine through!

5.  We took a trip down to B's favorite store, Food Lion one evening. They were out of the carts with the cars hooked to the front so she immediately informed the nearest clerk that they needed to buy more.

4.  As I stated, little miss is really starting to talk. Non stop. Brandon says to me one night "All she does is talk!" B's response, "Me? Nooooo...."

3.  Tyler was talking about going the beach again next summer. B informed us that she wants to go to the beach too. But she doesn't want sand on her toes and we need to carry her.
This is how we spent our trip to the
beach this summer.
2.  I got the stockings out to hang on the mantle. B grabbed one up said it was hers and stuck her foot in it!

1.  We are in full on toddler nose picking territory over here! It's constant, and if you correct her she'll go hide around the corner to continue the dig for gold. Tyler explained today that "Bailey can pick her nose if she wants to. It's her nose!" EWWWWW!!!!!!


  1. That is a priceless pic! What the funniest part is, is she wants to go even though she hates the sand, hahah!

    My mom always says, "You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose!"

    1. I love this picture! I have a bunch of her trying to wipe her feet off and then getting mad because the sand was on her hand instead. Crazy little thing!

  2. Cute pic. You having to carry her, too cute!


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