Saturday, November 9, 2013

Top 5 Saturday Laughs 11-9-2013

It's been a very busy couple of months. Our school district has adopted several new initiatives this year which has kept me more than busy, but I have been blessed this year with an amazing group of students. Without them, I don't know how I would be surviving right now! Hopefully things will start to slow down a little so I can get on here more often again!

As always, I'm linking up with Melissa over at The Mommyhood Chronicles. Head on over and check out her Saturday Laughs as well!

dentistmelsbbutton 12 Saturday Top Five Laughs  Come Join Our Blog Hop!

5.  Tyler told Daddy the other day to call his boss and tell him to take the day off. His reasoning, he could be Daddy's boss for the day.

4.  I asked Tyler what he wanted to be when he grew up and he said, "I want to be like Grandma. I'll stay at home while my wife goes to work." Somehow, I don't think this plan will work for him...

3.  Bailey refuses to hold my hand while walking now. She will only hold Tyler's.

2.  We put Bailey to bed one night and she REFUSED to go to sleep. She finally told us she would go to bed unless she could have one of my pillows, which she has slept on nightly ever since.

1.  Bailey was eating french fries and ketchup with her dinner one night and watched her stick her finger in the ketchup and play with it. I asked her what she was doing and she told me "I painting!"

Have a great weekend!! :0) 


  1. haha, #3 reminds me of my girls...they will only ever sit by me in restaurants and not daddy, so we end up with 3 people on one side of a booth and daddy sitting by himself on the other side! Funny how they get set in their ways about which parent does what :-P

    1. Haha! She goes back and forth on who has to do what. We never know who she's going to request! :0)

  2. #5 is so cute! And #1, yep sounds just like Charlie and Logan. :)

    1. He was totally serious too! Our messy kids would have too much fun together!:0)

  3. Hah! They are too cute, as always!!

  4. These are so cute!!! Haha- he could be daddy's boss! So stinkin cute!!That is so cute that Bailey will only hold Tyler's hand!!! Adorable laughs!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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