Saturday, September 29, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 9-29-12

5.  Bailey has a new trick! It's fantastic. She pulls out the dinning room chairs, climbs on, and then climbs on top of the table only to begin screaming because she realizes she is stuck. Before getting amd at getting stuck though, she will cover the table in salt and play with whatever else may be up there.
4.  Going along with number 5, I heard Bailey screaming one evening and went to find her. She climbed onto the toilet, then up onto the bathroom sink to check herself out in the mirror. When she finished, she realized she was yet again, stuck. I sure hope she learns how to climb down from stuff soon!
3.  I posted a few weeks ago that every question you ask Bailey she responds with a very eager head shake and a smile. Flash forward to this week and now every question you ask her gets the response of no!
2.  Tyler and I walked into school yesterday with a teacher friend of mine. He is always very considerate and holds open the door to the office for anyone going in or out. On this particular morning though, he was showing off for her by being a little bugger so I quickly corrected the behavior. His response, "Well fine, I'm not going to hold the door for you."
1.  Brandon came into the living room and sat on the floor with a plate of pizza and some ranch dressing. He turned his back for one second and turned back around to find Bailey doing this to his plate: 
Which resulted in this

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: 9-26-2012

Tyler enjoying the train ride on our way to the Children's museum in Charlotte. Bailey, not enjoying the train ride on the way to the museum. I took lots of GREAT pictures of the kids while there, only to figure out that the memory card wasn't in the camera. :-(

Friday, September 21, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 9-22-12

I forgot about a couple of laughs from our trip up to Michigan, so I included them to fill in for where my kids were lacking in humor this week. Enjoy!
5.  Bailey is very set in her way. When she doesn't get her way, she now whips her paci out of her mouth and throws it on the ground. This is always followed by a look of "Take that mom!"
4.  Brandon's mom had some new puppies at her house when we visited for dinner on our trip. Bailey LOVED them and carried them around the house like toys. Eventually we had to take them away because she squeezed one a little too hard....
3.  My nephew was given a piece of cake but no spoon. Instead of asking for a spoon, we turned around to see this:
2.  It was a little cold at Hayden's football game, so Tyler borrowed a sweatshirt from my niece. After the game he wanted to try on Hayden's football helmet, which went very well with the girly shirt...
1.  On our way home from school today, Tyler and I were discussing wants vs. needs which is our current social studies topic. He said that he cut out a picture of toilet paper for their project at school. I asked if that was a want or a need and he said a want. I responded by telling him that I thought it was more of a need. His response "That's cause when girls pee they need toilet paper to wipe their paginas." Oh.My.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: 9-18-2012

I have been blessed with 12 fantastic nieces and nephews but unfortunately live way too far away to be able to attend any of their sporting events, graduations, etc. During our trip to Michigan, I had the privilege to attend one of their football games for the first time!

Bailey wasn't too thrilled with the game, but did a great job of putting a smile on Aunt Lou. It's amazing what a young child will do to a broken heart.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 9-14-2012

It's great to be back into the regular routine. Tyler had a great first full week of Kindergarten and we went to Pizza Hut to celebrate!
5.  Tyler got his hands on a blow up stick that my nephew got from their local football game and began hitting me with it. When I asked him to stop hitting me, he very quickly corrected me by saying "It's not hitting, it's whacking!"
4.  On our way to Pizza Hut Tyler informed us that he was growing up and his beard would be coming in soon.
3.  Going along with #4 we were also informed that once Daddy dies, Tyler would drive his truck and go to work to meet up with Pat (Brandon's boss).
2.  Bailey's daycare provider likes to take her shopping. I haven't figured out why yet, as I find shopping with her to be a complete nightmare. They took her to the mall, found a cute pair of shoes and decided she needed to model them. Big mistake. They tried to take them off of her feet and she threw a giant tantrum. Guess who came home with a new pair of shoes???
1.  Bailey has been trying to put diapers on her babies for the last several days. One evening, she decided it was easier to put the babies into the diaper.

Have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: 9-12-2012

We traveled to Michigan last week to celebrate the life of a wonderful man, Uncle Ted. We all miss him terribly and I pray that my nieces and nephews may find healing and comfort soon as well as my aunt. The silver lining of this sad trip, my family was finally in one state at the same time since my daughter was born. All 5 generations!
Thank you Uncle Ted for providing us with so many stories and laughs throughout your life, and for bringing us together again after!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 9-7-2012

I'm so glad that I can always count of my babies to provide me with some laughs! Even during weeks when laughing just doesn't seem possible....
5.  Anytime I do something that Tyler appreciates he responds with "You're the best mom in the whole live world!"
4.  During our 12 hour road trip to MI this week, Tyler woke up and said "Dad, I'm growing. You know how I know? It's because I have the hiccups."
3.  Tyler's Kindergarten teacher had them put their heads down for a short rest after recess. When finished, Tyler picked his head up and said, "Ms. Chrisy, I had a dream about you...."
2.  While standing in the parking lot of a rest area, Bailey proceeded to wave bye-bye to every semi-truck that drove past us.
1.  For the first time since Bailey was born, we managed to get all 5 generations of my family in the same state. While visiting the kids' Great-Great Grandma we decided to take a picture of the group. Great-Great Grandma has a cold and began coughing and needed to take her dentures out to clean them. Upon seeing this, Tyler almost puked and Bailey began laughing hysterically!
Bonus Laugh:
I missed Wordless Wednesday since we were on our road trip but this really fits as a laugh too. We took the kids camping last weekend with some friends. It had just finished raining at the campground when we arrived and the dirt road was pretty muddy. It took Tyler less then a minute to figure out how much fun it was to drive his bike through the mud and even less time to figure out how to get his training wheels hung up so he could fling the mud all over himself and anyone within 10 feet of him! He then proceeded to get all of the kids in the campground involved.
Have a great weekend!! :-)