Friday, September 7, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 9-7-2012

I'm so glad that I can always count of my babies to provide me with some laughs! Even during weeks when laughing just doesn't seem possible....
5.  Anytime I do something that Tyler appreciates he responds with "You're the best mom in the whole live world!"
4.  During our 12 hour road trip to MI this week, Tyler woke up and said "Dad, I'm growing. You know how I know? It's because I have the hiccups."
3.  Tyler's Kindergarten teacher had them put their heads down for a short rest after recess. When finished, Tyler picked his head up and said, "Ms. Chrisy, I had a dream about you...."
2.  While standing in the parking lot of a rest area, Bailey proceeded to wave bye-bye to every semi-truck that drove past us.
1.  For the first time since Bailey was born, we managed to get all 5 generations of my family in the same state. While visiting the kids' Great-Great Grandma we decided to take a picture of the group. Great-Great Grandma has a cold and began coughing and needed to take her dentures out to clean them. Upon seeing this, Tyler almost puked and Bailey began laughing hysterically!
Bonus Laugh:
I missed Wordless Wednesday since we were on our road trip but this really fits as a laugh too. We took the kids camping last weekend with some friends. It had just finished raining at the campground when we arrived and the dirt road was pretty muddy. It took Tyler less then a minute to figure out how much fun it was to drive his bike through the mud and even less time to figure out how to get his training wheels hung up so he could fling the mud all over himself and anyone within 10 feet of him! He then proceeded to get all of the kids in the campground involved.
Have a great weekend!! :-)


  1. cute laughs! #1 is my favorite

  2. I hope I get the hiccups soon. I'm only 5"2. I wouldn't mind growing a bit!

    1. LOL! I'm 5'3" so I could really use some hiccups too!

  3. Oh my goodness - I LOVE that last picture!!!

    1. He was a mess! And I wasn't the favorite person in the campground after he got all the other kids covered in mud as well...

  4. How can I get my kids to say #5?! Imagine the self-confidence boost--how awesome!

    1. It's not too much of a confidence builder since usually within a few minutes I get to hear about how I am the world's worst mom. :-(

  5. 12 hour road trip- oh my goodness. So funny with him growing,lol! Haha on #1- that is my favorite too! Bailey loves trucks as much as Zane. so cute!!!

    1. Yes, 12 hours. They do really well when you travel through the night though! :-)


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