Friday, September 14, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 9-14-2012

It's great to be back into the regular routine. Tyler had a great first full week of Kindergarten and we went to Pizza Hut to celebrate!
5.  Tyler got his hands on a blow up stick that my nephew got from their local football game and began hitting me with it. When I asked him to stop hitting me, he very quickly corrected me by saying "It's not hitting, it's whacking!"
4.  On our way to Pizza Hut Tyler informed us that he was growing up and his beard would be coming in soon.
3.  Going along with #4 we were also informed that once Daddy dies, Tyler would drive his truck and go to work to meet up with Pat (Brandon's boss).
2.  Bailey's daycare provider likes to take her shopping. I haven't figured out why yet, as I find shopping with her to be a complete nightmare. They took her to the mall, found a cute pair of shoes and decided she needed to model them. Big mistake. They tried to take them off of her feet and she threw a giant tantrum. Guess who came home with a new pair of shoes???
1.  Bailey has been trying to put diapers on her babies for the last several days. One evening, she decided it was easier to put the babies into the diaper.

Have a great weekend!!


  1. Oh gosh is that too funny with the diaper :)

    1. She spent 10 minutes working on this too! I was in heaven. :)

  2. The beard is hysterical! Brandon had better get to teaching him how to shave ;)

    1. Target sells children's shaving kits with the cream and pretend razor, I think he might need one soon. ;-)

  3. Haha- its not hitting- its whacking-LOL!!!! He was growing up and his beard would be growing in- he is too funny! I love him putting the diapers in the diaper. I love your laughs!

    1. I'm not sure when my 5 year old became smarter than me??

  4. LOL. Definitely easier to put the babies into the diaper. Smart! Now if only I could figure out how to get my daughter's diapers on in such a calm and precise manner.


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