Friday, September 21, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 9-22-12

I forgot about a couple of laughs from our trip up to Michigan, so I included them to fill in for where my kids were lacking in humor this week. Enjoy!
5.  Bailey is very set in her way. When she doesn't get her way, she now whips her paci out of her mouth and throws it on the ground. This is always followed by a look of "Take that mom!"
4.  Brandon's mom had some new puppies at her house when we visited for dinner on our trip. Bailey LOVED them and carried them around the house like toys. Eventually we had to take them away because she squeezed one a little too hard....
3.  My nephew was given a piece of cake but no spoon. Instead of asking for a spoon, we turned around to see this:
2.  It was a little cold at Hayden's football game, so Tyler borrowed a sweatshirt from my niece. After the game he wanted to try on Hayden's football helmet, which went very well with the girly shirt...
1.  On our way home from school today, Tyler and I were discussing wants vs. needs which is our current social studies topic. He said that he cut out a picture of toilet paper for their project at school. I asked if that was a want or a need and he said a want. I responded by telling him that I thought it was more of a need. His response "That's cause when girls pee they need toilet paper to wipe their paginas." Oh.My.


  1. Paginas! Ha! And give it up to your nephew for not messing around waiting to get a utensil ;)

  2. Haha on #5- Take that mom,lol~ She is so cute- she is going to be a big animal lover! And that is the way to eat cake- big props! LOL ON #1------ hysterical!!!! He is right though! LOL!! Such cute laughs. THanks for making me smile!

    1. Animal lover, or animal killer.... ;-) I'm hoping she becomes a vet so I can retire early and she can take care of me!

  3. Paginas is priceless. Next time I see you I will have to tell you about an incident on the playground. Oh boy I still laugh just thinking about it!

    1. Well, now you have my attention! We need to get together soon!


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