Sunday, March 30, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 11

Life has gotten busy! Between school, t-ball, the soon to arrive baby, and everyday activities our family has been on the go non-stop!

March 14, 2014:  I love that Chick-Fil-A doesn't fill their kids meals with cheap pointless toys. Bailey and I had a great time playing 'Go Ape' together!

March 15, 2014:  The best place to play your Leap Pad is clearly inside a laundry basket. On a side note, I am loving the natural light in this picture!

March 16, 2014:!

March 17, 2014:  Little one has decided that playing catch on the floor is the best activity ever! Too bad it takes Mommy about 10 minutes to get down on the floor these days!

March 18, 2014:  Enjoying a treat of home-made strawberry ice cream before bed.

March 19, 2014:  Let the t-ball practices begin! Bailey of course can't be left out and must bring her own ball/glove to all of Tyler practices and games.

March 20, 2014:  These crazy little monkeys. Thanks to a school fundraiser, they are the only thing Tyler and the kids at school are talking about!

I'm a little behind in updating my pictures! Hopefully this week I'll get all caught up....

Nurse Loves Farmer

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 10

I'm beginning to feel stuck! It seems like every picture I take my kids are in the pj's or sleeping. It probably doesn't help that my daughter is obsessed with the same two pairs of pajamas and wants to wear them every night! Hopefully when my maternity leave begins in a few weeks I'll have more of a variety of pictures.

March 7, 2014:  Bailey found Tyler's semi-truck from the movie Cars. She loves this thing!

March 8, 2014:  Daddy's Birthday! The kids helped to make homemade ice cream and a cake to celebrate Dad's birthday. They also had to help blow out the candles!

March 9, 2014:  We live next door to a wonderful state park. The kids and I go often to play on the playgrounds, but this particular day we took advantage of their free nature exhibit. It isn't anything amazingly elaborate, but just enough to entertain them for a little while.

March 10, 2014:  Bailey's obsession with baby dolls continues! She was making sure her baby had it's bottle before she went to bed.

March 11, 2014:  Working on a puzzle before bedtime.

March 12, 2014:  I'm so ready for summer! I broke out the toddler safe Piggy Paint and did Bailey's finger nails and toes. She Walked around with her hands in the air for 2 days so she wouldn't mess up her nails! :0)

March 13, 2014:  I was WAY too tired to get out the camera when I got home from work today. I managed to get this picture after the kids went to bed. Pregnancy has not been easy this time around!

Sorry Tyler, you were pretty well left out this week. It doesn't help that you won't let me take your picture most days. Maybe next week!

Nurse Loves Farmer

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Baby #3 ~ 33 Weeks

We're already to the 33 week mark with baby #3! Both kids love to talk to their baby, but especially Bailey. She felt him/her kick the other day and was absolutely amazed. We are counting down the weeks until we get to meet this little one!

I had my 32 week appointment earlier this week and everything checks out great. Little one's heartbeat has been holding pretty steady around 160 and I'm measuring perfectly. The results to my 3 hour glucose came back perfect as well as some other blood work they had run.

This weekend we chose to get a 3-D/4-D ultrasound down and brought both kids. We didn't get one done for Bailey or Tyler making this a new experience for us. The kids weren't as thrilled as we thought they would be, but still had fun!

I think he or she is going to take after their big brother as far as the thumb sucking goes! This little one wouldn't move their fingers away from their face and spent a good portion of the ultra sound sucking their thumb. So cute!!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 3-8-2014

This year has flown by, I can't believe we are just a few days from spring! Mother nature keeps giving us little teasers of good weather and our early spring flowers have already started to bloom. I can't wait for warmer weather, which also means the arrival of our newest family member! I haven't posted our family's laughs in a while so there are a lot to pick from and as always I'm linking up with Melissa over at The Mommyhood Chronicles!

dentistmelsbbutton Saturdays Top Five Laughs  Come Join Our Blog Hop!

5.  Sometimes I wonder where Bailey gets her intelligence from. This 2 year old blows my mind! She's been wanting to sleep in her brother's bedroom lately and we let her a couple of times on the weekend. I told her a couple of weeks ago that it was time for a nap and to head to her room. She said "I tant I wocked my room! Haf to seep in Tyer's room." I swear she did it on purpose!

4.  Brandon is a superviser for a local excavating company. On our way to the store we passed a construction crew that had a large pile of our local red dirt on sidewalk. Without missing a beat Bailey told me "Ewwwww dirt! Daddy need to come vacuum that dirt and clean it!"

3.  My son is the most random child. He was upstairs watching tv while Brandon and I watched tv downstairs. He came flying down the stairs shouting "Mom I know why I kick my blankets off at night! It's because I need a Chillo!" Thank you infomercials!

2.  While shopping with Bailey we had this conversation:
      Bailey- Me like pink.
      Me- I know you like pink.
      Bailey- Me no have a pink coat.
      Me- No, you have a purple coat.
      Bailey- Me need a pink coat!

1.  My son is totally my son. They started learning about rocks at school and now he spends his time looking for rocks and happily squeals "I need to figure out what kind of rock this is, where is the magnifying glass?"

Have a great weekend!

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 9

What a week! From disappointing news from the doctor, to a last minute trip to Grandma's, to trying to do both mom and dad duties for both kids while Daddy works a different shift for a few days have made life interesting! I'm impressed that I managed to get the camera out every day, although some days I really did have to force myself. I'm hoping the promise of spring coming soon will give me a little more motivation soon!

February 28 2014:  Tyler was supposed to go to Grandma's house for the weekend and decided to bring his sister with at the last minute. Everyone got in on the packing!

March 1, 2014:  I learned today that I failed my 1 hour glucose screening by 2 points. These cookies are taunting me...

March 2, 2014:  The kids are back from Grandma's house and had to show me how my new felt board for school works.

March 3, 2014:  This face... We have been going through a very long stubborn streak when it comes to bedtime. Does she look ready for bed to you?

March 4, 2014:  Dad's been working 3rd shift this week leaving his chair wide open. Bailey was taking full advantage of this!

March 5, 2014:  Teaching her young! The 2 year old runs the microwave better than I do!

March 6, 2014:  We tucked Tyler into bed and then Bailey which is our normal routine. On my way back past Tyler's room to head downstairs I found him sneaking in a last minute book. This boy loves to read!

I've been trying super hard these last few weeks to master taking pictures without the flash. This is a much more difficult task than one would think! Trying to find the right settings to capture a running toddler in a pretty dark room hasn't gone well. I'm not giving up! :0)

Nurse Loves Farmer

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 8

We were blessed this week with some absolutely beautiful weather! Although it didn't last long, it was nice to get some outdoor pictures of the kids for a couple of days. 

February 21, 2014:  Bailey has been obsessed with this doll lately. It has to go everywhere she goes!

February 22, 2014:  We spent several hours at our local park. It was almost 70 degrees out and sunny!

February 23, 2014:  Tyler being well, Tyler!

February 24, 2014:  I got a great deal on some clearance shoes last fall and stocked up. These have been in Bailey's closet ever since and she finally grew into them. She refused to take them off and wanted to wear them to bed.

February 25, 2014:  Being a big girl and drinking from a real cup.

February 26, 2014:  A little Candy Land fun!

February 27, 2014:  Part of our nightly routine, feeding the fish before bed!

Check out some other great posts through the link up below!
Nurse Loves Farmer