Friday, March 7, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 9

What a week! From disappointing news from the doctor, to a last minute trip to Grandma's, to trying to do both mom and dad duties for both kids while Daddy works a different shift for a few days have made life interesting! I'm impressed that I managed to get the camera out every day, although some days I really did have to force myself. I'm hoping the promise of spring coming soon will give me a little more motivation soon!

February 28 2014:  Tyler was supposed to go to Grandma's house for the weekend and decided to bring his sister with at the last minute. Everyone got in on the packing!

March 1, 2014:  I learned today that I failed my 1 hour glucose screening by 2 points. These cookies are taunting me...

March 2, 2014:  The kids are back from Grandma's house and had to show me how my new felt board for school works.

March 3, 2014:  This face... We have been going through a very long stubborn streak when it comes to bedtime. Does she look ready for bed to you?

March 4, 2014:  Dad's been working 3rd shift this week leaving his chair wide open. Bailey was taking full advantage of this!

March 5, 2014:  Teaching her young! The 2 year old runs the microwave better than I do!

March 6, 2014:  We tucked Tyler into bed and then Bailey which is our normal routine. On my way back past Tyler's room to head downstairs I found him sneaking in a last minute book. This boy loves to read!

I've been trying super hard these last few weeks to master taking pictures without the flash. This is a much more difficult task than one would think! Trying to find the right settings to capture a running toddler in a pretty dark room hasn't gone well. I'm not giving up! :0)

Nurse Loves Farmer


  1. Really great photo's this week. Those cookies are calling my name now!

  2. Awww. Bailey is so adorable!! For indoor shots I use a speedlight. My photos indoors during the winter without a flash aren't very good. The speedlight does do better then the built in flash.

    1. The built in flash leaves so many shadows, it drives me crazy! I'll have to check into the speed light!

  3. Love the shot of her peeking over the table!

  4. If you can figure out the settings at all you're doing much better than me, LOL...

    My daughter is a reader too and I have always found books hidden in her bed or under it. When she turned seven I gave up and bought her a reading light so she wasn't reading in the dark as long as she promised not to stay up forever. She has done well and even if she wakes in the middle of the night it has helped her get back to sleep.

    1. Great point! For now, he falls asleep pretty easily but I'll def. have to keep this in mind if it ever becomes an issue!

  5. I try to shoot without flash too, but I think the photos turn out better with - maybe my eye for photography isn't that good! :) I love the reading photo!

    1. I usually shoot each picture with a flash and without just to make sure one will turn out. I agree, the flash seems to help most of the time, but there are times when I feel like the natural light is prettier. That picture was taken without the flash in a pretty dark bedroom.


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