Friday, March 7, 2014

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 3-8-2014

This year has flown by, I can't believe we are just a few days from spring! Mother nature keeps giving us little teasers of good weather and our early spring flowers have already started to bloom. I can't wait for warmer weather, which also means the arrival of our newest family member! I haven't posted our family's laughs in a while so there are a lot to pick from and as always I'm linking up with Melissa over at The Mommyhood Chronicles!

dentistmelsbbutton Saturdays Top Five Laughs  Come Join Our Blog Hop!

5.  Sometimes I wonder where Bailey gets her intelligence from. This 2 year old blows my mind! She's been wanting to sleep in her brother's bedroom lately and we let her a couple of times on the weekend. I told her a couple of weeks ago that it was time for a nap and to head to her room. She said "I tant I wocked my room! Haf to seep in Tyer's room." I swear she did it on purpose!

4.  Brandon is a superviser for a local excavating company. On our way to the store we passed a construction crew that had a large pile of our local red dirt on sidewalk. Without missing a beat Bailey told me "Ewwwww dirt! Daddy need to come vacuum that dirt and clean it!"

3.  My son is the most random child. He was upstairs watching tv while Brandon and I watched tv downstairs. He came flying down the stairs shouting "Mom I know why I kick my blankets off at night! It's because I need a Chillo!" Thank you infomercials!

2.  While shopping with Bailey we had this conversation:
      Bailey- Me like pink.
      Me- I know you like pink.
      Bailey- Me no have a pink coat.
      Me- No, you have a purple coat.
      Bailey- Me need a pink coat!

1.  My son is totally my son. They started learning about rocks at school and now he spends his time looking for rocks and happily squeals "I need to figure out what kind of rock this is, where is the magnifying glass?"

Have a great weekend!


  1. LOL on #5- how stink in cute! 2 year olds are the best- right?! I chillo- see he invented a new word all by himself! Mom, I think she needs a pink coat. What cute laughs!!!

    1. 2 year olds are certainly fun! She makes us laugh everyday for sure.


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