Thursday, May 28, 2015

Week 21 ~ Catch the Moment

Summer break is right around the corner, I can almost smell it!

I had to laugh as I was getting my pictures ready for today's post. Early on in the year most of my pictures revolved around the little guy (and they still do), then they all seemed to be baseball related, and now they are all pool pictures. Forgive me for water overload for the next few weeks. All my kids and husband want to do now is swim!

May 21:  See? Pool pictures! I love his big old toothless grin!

May 22:  And again with the pool, ha! Brandon bought this really cool solar light that floats around the pool. I'm going to have to try to get a good picture of the kids with it at night soon.

May 23:  This. This is how my now 4 year old spends most of her time during her t-ball games. At least she isn't the only one doing it!

May 24:  Look at my little walker! There is no stopping this one now!

May 25:  Daddy has her spoiled. He keeps cutting roses off of my rose bush so she has fresh flowers to smell.

May 26:  The little guy wasn't feeling the greatest this past weekend. After a few days of not being himself I finally brought him in only to find out he had an ear infection. A few doses of antibiotics and he's as good as new!

May 27:  And more pool pictures. Zoe is pretty sure she's a water dog and belongs in there too. It's a good thing the pool is the perfect height for her to climb up and lick our faces while we swim!

Do you enjoy taking pictures? Come join us on our 365 day photo journey! There are photographers of all types in the project including moms with an average camera such as myself as well as professional photographers. We'd love to have you!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Friday, May 22, 2015

11 Months ~ Hunter Allen

I wrote this post a while ago but never had the chance to add in the pictures. Forgive me for stepping back in time by over a month, but I felt it was important to document Hunter's milestones at this age. Hopefully I'll get his 1 year up a little quicker!

Sleep:  Nothing much has changed in the sleep department. You are still waking mommy up every 2 to 3 hours at night to nurse and snuggle a bit. Oh how I miss sleeping through the night!
Likes:  You love to be outside watching your brother and sister play as well as going for walks. The dropsy game is apparently tons of fun as well. You love when your brother and sister chase you around the house and squeal with delight as you try to keep up with them.
Dislikes:  You do not like to hear the word no! You curl you little lip up and begin to pout as soon as you hear it. You have also figured out what the gate for the stairs is and get pretty upset as soon as you see us start to put it up.
Favorite Toys:  Your favorite toy right now is clothing. Anytime there is anything sitting around you are tossing it around, sliding it on the ground, or removing them from the laundry basket. Folding clothes with you on the loose has become rather difficult!
Eating:  You eat nonstop! You still nurse at home every 3 hours or so for a few minutes and take four 3oz. bottles at daycare during the day. You go through about 4 containers of baby food and a bunch of finger snacks throughout the day. Anytime someone gets something, you insist you must eat too!

Milestones:  You took your first unassisted steps this month! Daddy was laying on the ground watching tv and you decided to walk from him to the couch. It was about 3 steps from point A to point B. I'm not sure if I should be cheering, or crying about this one!

Tooth Count:  Still holding out at 2!
Clothing:  You're in 12 month clothes and size 4 diapers.
Words:  Momma, Dada, and Tyler are the words that we can understand right now. I think you're trying to say a few other things, but I can't tell what they are just yet!
Firsts:  You ate your first Popsicle this month! You weren't too thrilled with the idea and tossed it on the ground after a few seconds. You also went to the zoo for the first time! It was a cold day but we still enjoyed watching all of the animals.
Happy 11 months little one!

Week 20 ~ Catch the Moment

We've had a great week! It's nice to be back at school and getting back to normal, if you can call it that. School is starting to wind down and I am looking forward to summer vacation with the kids! They are growing so fast and I feel like I miss so much being at work all week. And Bailey turned 4 this week which is apparently a pretty amazing thing!

May 13:  Hunter loves being outside and playing in water. I was trying to see if I could catch the splashes without him being blurred and this was the best I could get.

May 14:  This guy is getting so big! He'll be 8 in just a few weeks. It seems like it was yesterday when I brought his wrinkled, squishy litte face home from the hospital.

May 15:  Let the birthday prep begin! Bailey wanted a Minnie Mouse themed cake this year. This is about as far as I got on it tonight but it's a start!

May 16:  The birthday girl, her Minnie cake, and new cheesy smile.

May 17:  Brandon bought the kids another pool this year. They couldn't wait for it to be filled all the way in order to get in. I don't get very many pictures of him crying, but Hunter wasn't too thrilled with how slippery it was.

May 18:  Hunter is obsessed with his blanket! He won't sleep without it and drags it all around the house.

May 19:  A favorite activity around here.

May 20:  Hunter was a bigger fan of the pool once it was filled with water!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Catch the Moment ~ Catch up Time!

I've been so behind on this! I had a little extra time this weekend and figured I'd better get all caught up!

May 2:  We celebrated little guy's 1st birthday today! He was a big fan of the frosting on his cake.

May 3:  Bailey loves playing outside, especially with water.

May 4:  Hunter loves exploring the playground during baseball games and practices.

May 5:  If you look real close, you can see the bee I was trying to capture. I couldn't get any closer to it. Every time I did it would buzz right past me.

May 6:  Today we said goodbye to an amazing women. This picture is from last summer when she met Hunter for the first, and last time. He's her great-great grandson.

May 7:  We were busy packing today so we could head up to Michigan for Grandma's funeral and I didn't get a chance to take a picture. This is a picture of our rose bush that I had taken the day before.

May 8:  Whenever we go to Michigan we stay with Brandon's brother and his family. For some reason, my kids always experience a ton of firsts there. Hunter is no exception and enjoyed his first pretzel among other things.

May 9:  This was the scene for most of the time we were there. These cousins love each other and their games!

May 10:  We went over to Great-Grandma's house for a Mother's Day dinner. Hunter didn't warm up to her until she fed him some delicious chocolate dessert!

May 11:  Bailey was pretty tired from all of the excitement of the trip and took a nap on my Aunt's lap.

May 12:  We left for home today. This is another one of those days where I didn't get a chance to take a picture so I'm using one from a previous day. This is Rocky, my nephew's dog. He and Hunter were the best of friends for the weekend. They chased each other around the house for hours on end.

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Friday, May 15, 2015

Week 19 ~ Catch the Moment

I'm dealing with a very cranky, tired, teething sick baby right now! Hopefully I'll find some time tomorrow to get on and edit a few more pictures, but for now here is one of my favorites from Hunter's birthday party!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Week 18 ~ Catch the Moment

Boy have I gotten behind! Between the baby's first birthday and a quick trip to Michigan for a funeral, life has gotten the best of me. Hopefully (I know I've said this before!) I'll be all caught up by the end of the week! This week is a bit of baby overload! I need to do a better job of getting pictures of the older two in more often and should really get another picture of myself in at some point too.

April 26:  Brandon decided to put up a small garden bed in our backyard. I'm hoping our dog leaves what ever he plants in it alone!

April 27:  Hunter had his first spaghetti meal tonight! He was relatively clean about it and ate a ton!

April 28:  A little bubble bath fun for the little guy.

April 29:  Hunter's last night as a 'baby' although he'll always be my baby!

April 30:  Look who turned 1! I love these eyes. He had a pretty typical day today, we saved his first taste of cake for his first birthday!

May 1:  Last minute prep work for Hunter's birthday party in the morning.

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Week 16/17 ~ Catch the Moment

This has been a crazy busy week! I'm a little off in my days right now, so forgive me if my dates don't match with your week. We've been busy getting ready for the baby's first birthday, sniff. I can't believe it's already been a year since we welcomed him into our family! Baseball has been keeping us hopping as well!

April 19:  Bailey was being especially obnoxious tonight. Brandon told her he was going to tape her mouth shut if she didn't stop talking. He didn't have to because she did it for us!

April 20:  Hunter's favorite toy, the lego tub. He'll stand there for hours taking them out and putting them back in!

April 21:  The bushes in our front yard are in full bloom, a reminder that summer is just around the corner!

April 22:  I had nothing tonight, so I snapped a random picture of Bailey. She wasn't cooperating though and kept hiding behind her cup.

April 23:  Hunter loves to take the pans out, thanks Grandma for teaching him that one. I love how much fun they were having together!

April 24:

April 25:  This plant was a wedding shower gift my Aunt Kathy. It has survived for 11 years, has moved between 5 different houses and 2 states yet it continues to flower every year!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment