Friday, May 22, 2015

Week 20 ~ Catch the Moment

We've had a great week! It's nice to be back at school and getting back to normal, if you can call it that. School is starting to wind down and I am looking forward to summer vacation with the kids! They are growing so fast and I feel like I miss so much being at work all week. And Bailey turned 4 this week which is apparently a pretty amazing thing!

May 13:  Hunter loves being outside and playing in water. I was trying to see if I could catch the splashes without him being blurred and this was the best I could get.

May 14:  This guy is getting so big! He'll be 8 in just a few weeks. It seems like it was yesterday when I brought his wrinkled, squishy litte face home from the hospital.

May 15:  Let the birthday prep begin! Bailey wanted a Minnie Mouse themed cake this year. This is about as far as I got on it tonight but it's a start!

May 16:  The birthday girl, her Minnie cake, and new cheesy smile.

May 17:  Brandon bought the kids another pool this year. They couldn't wait for it to be filled all the way in order to get in. I don't get very many pictures of him crying, but Hunter wasn't too thrilled with how slippery it was.

May 18:  Hunter is obsessed with his blanket! He won't sleep without it and drags it all around the house.

May 19:  A favorite activity around here.

May 20:  Hunter was a bigger fan of the pool once it was filled with water!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

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