Friday, May 22, 2015

11 Months ~ Hunter Allen

I wrote this post a while ago but never had the chance to add in the pictures. Forgive me for stepping back in time by over a month, but I felt it was important to document Hunter's milestones at this age. Hopefully I'll get his 1 year up a little quicker!

Sleep:  Nothing much has changed in the sleep department. You are still waking mommy up every 2 to 3 hours at night to nurse and snuggle a bit. Oh how I miss sleeping through the night!
Likes:  You love to be outside watching your brother and sister play as well as going for walks. The dropsy game is apparently tons of fun as well. You love when your brother and sister chase you around the house and squeal with delight as you try to keep up with them.
Dislikes:  You do not like to hear the word no! You curl you little lip up and begin to pout as soon as you hear it. You have also figured out what the gate for the stairs is and get pretty upset as soon as you see us start to put it up.
Favorite Toys:  Your favorite toy right now is clothing. Anytime there is anything sitting around you are tossing it around, sliding it on the ground, or removing them from the laundry basket. Folding clothes with you on the loose has become rather difficult!
Eating:  You eat nonstop! You still nurse at home every 3 hours or so for a few minutes and take four 3oz. bottles at daycare during the day. You go through about 4 containers of baby food and a bunch of finger snacks throughout the day. Anytime someone gets something, you insist you must eat too!

Milestones:  You took your first unassisted steps this month! Daddy was laying on the ground watching tv and you decided to walk from him to the couch. It was about 3 steps from point A to point B. I'm not sure if I should be cheering, or crying about this one!

Tooth Count:  Still holding out at 2!
Clothing:  You're in 12 month clothes and size 4 diapers.
Words:  Momma, Dada, and Tyler are the words that we can understand right now. I think you're trying to say a few other things, but I can't tell what they are just yet!
Firsts:  You ate your first Popsicle this month! You weren't too thrilled with the idea and tossed it on the ground after a few seconds. You also went to the zoo for the first time! It was a cold day but we still enjoyed watching all of the animals.
Happy 11 months little one!


  1. So cute!!! Happy 11 months. And I feel your pain with the lack of sleep. I've slept through the night very few times since my first daughter was born 6 and a half years ago...

  2. He's adorable! So cute, and such great photos.
    Hope you'll come share at


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