Monday, December 30, 2013

It's the Little Things

There's nothing like a 2 year old to remind you to slow down and enjoy the little things in life. Sometimes we get so caught up in the challenges that life sends our way we don't notice the smaller things that can bring us joy.

We had a wonderful Christmas morning with the delivery of all of our presents from Santa. The kids had fun opening up their new toys, clothes, and candy. Most of their gifts were need related (socks, underwear, pj's, books, etc.) but they did get their fair share of toys.

But it was one thing, one very small thing that Bailey received that day that brought her the most joy. An orange. Not her Leap Pad, or the new baby doll, or the stroller, or the Minnie Mouse but an orange. A small piece of fruit mixed in with a bag full of candy that resulted in the squeals of joy and the picture below.

We've had a very trying few years year with little miss independent. She is full of spunk and attitude and spends most of her days throwing tantrums which often makes it difficult to enjoy everyday life. But this face, this excitement over something so simple reminds me to slow down. To find the little things that can bring joy to us. The "I uv you's," random kisses, little smirks, and all of her little quirks that can so easily drive me insane.

My goal for 2014 is to look for the positive in all aspects of our life. When the kids at school are driving me crazy, when I've asked Tyler 15 times to stop running through the house, when I'm on 2 hours of sleep with a brand new baby, and when Bailey is throwing tantrum number 1,024,103 for the day I'm going to stop and remember what makes life so special. To find the things that will make me smile.

It's time to say so long to 2013, and bring it on to 2014. I'm ready and waiting to see what joy and challenges you bring to us! 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Our Week At A Glance

We've had a very busy and fun filled week! But before I share I would like to send a prayer for my friends and family back home in Michigan, many of which are without power and have been for several days. Part of me is glad we didn't make the trip up since we would have been one more thing for them to deal with and worry about, and the other part wishes we were there to help. Love you all and hope everything is back to normal soon!

We started by making Christmas cookies for Santa on Sunday-

And moved on to our gingerbread train Monday-

 Both kids were up WAY too early Wednesday morning, but enjoyed opening their Santa presents!

Later they opened more presents from Grandma, Papa, and Uncle Curt who came over for Christmas dinner.

We had a wonderful holiday and look forward to celebrating the new year in a few days. Merry Christmas to all!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


This week I hit the 20 week mark, which means that we're half-way through this pregnancy! With this being our last, I'm trying my best to enjoy all of the stages but this is most definitely my most difficult pregnancy yet. I don't know if it's because I have 2 kids already, a high stress job, or if it's the difference in age (23 with #1 and 30 with #3) but I'm more tired than ever before.

Hopefully my energy will pick up soon! So far, everything else has gone well. Our ultra sound looked great and baby is measuring within a few days of it's gestational age. We opted not to find out what this baby is again. I'll be a nervous wreck for the next 20 weeks!

Here's a summary of what's happening so far:

Due Date:  May 3, 2014 but they are considering me for induction a week early

Food Cravings:  Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!

Gender:  Unknown, but my guess is boy!

Movements:  Inconsistent still but when he/she does move, it shocks me and tends to make my eyes water

Aversions:  None at this time.

What I miss:  Sleeping on my stomach and having energy

Names:  We are pretty solid on a name for a boy, but don't have any names for a girl yet!

Here's to 20 more wonderful weeks!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 12-14-13

This week has been all about getting back into routines after Bailey spent a week with Grandma and both kids were gone for the weekend. For the most part everything is back to normal, but we are all looking forward to Christmas vacation!
dentistmelsbbutton 1 Saturday Top Five Laughs  Come Join Our Blog Hop!
Linking up with Melissa over at The Mommyhood Chronicles, stop on by her page for a few more laughs!

5.  Bailey refuses to touch our live Christmas tree. She says it's yucky.

4.  I've been busily sewing Bailey's "big girl quilt" over the last several weeks and now have my very own sewing buddy.
I can't sit at the table to work on it with out her climbing up next to me!

3.  Going along with #4, as I start the machine she squeals "Go Mommy! Go go go go!" until I've finished the piece.

2.  Tyler has been having a hard time narrowing down what he wants for Christmas this year. He finally decided to tell Santa that he wants whatever he brings him!

1.  Bailey loves to irritate her brother in any way she can. By following him, looking at him, touching him.... This morning I asked Tyler if he wanted the lights on or off in the bedroom. He said off and she quickly said "No, on!"

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

18 Week Baby Update!

It's hard to believe we're at 18 weeks already! We went in for a check up on Friday which was the first one since I went in at 11 weeks making it even more exciting. Since the appointment was on the day after Thanksgiving, the entire family was able to go!

At our last appointment the baby was still pretty low because it was so early and we could only catch a quick, very quiet, heart beat. She found it long enough to know that it was strong but we couldn't hear it well enough for the kids to know what it was. This time, we were all able to hear it's little flutter a little louder after she pinned it's wiggly self down! I sure hope this one doesn't take after their big sister!

I did learn that because I have a history of "rapid labor" that I will possibly be induced around 39 weeks. Apparently a 45 minute labor isn't normal? ;0) I really should get around to writing the kids' birth stories! Long story short I went from very weak, uneven contractions to a baby in my arms in less than an hour. I'm not sure how I feel about an induction at this point, but I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there!

They also scheduled our ultrasound already which will be later this week. Hubs and I have been back and forth on finding out the gender this time. I still don't know what we're going to do!


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Craft-Along Monday: It's Christmas Time!

It's time for another Craft-Along Blog Hop! Feel free to take my button and link up below!

I love the holiday season! It's a great time to have fun creating things for the home and with the kids. I made my first attempt at a grapevine wreath earlier in the week. It was easier than I thought it would be, but I'm not certain that it's complete.

The kids loved watching my craft, so I picked up some materials for them to make their own wreaths!

What you need:
-Mini grapevine wreaths (I picked up a pack of 2 from Hobby Lobby for $1.99)
-A couple of bunches of Christmas flowers (these came from the dollar store and we used 3 to make both wreaths)
-Hot glue gun
-Whatever else you would like to decorate them with (I picked up a string of plastic bells from the dollar store)
-Twist ties
-3M Command Strip Hooks to hang them on

The kids put the flowers where they wanted them and I went back through and glued them on. We added a plastic bell from the dollar store to both for a little twinkle! On the back I twisted in a twist tie to hang them from and done! Super simple, fun, and festive!

Bailey's wreath

Tyler's wreath