Tuesday, December 3, 2013

18 Week Baby Update!

It's hard to believe we're at 18 weeks already! We went in for a check up on Friday which was the first one since I went in at 11 weeks making it even more exciting. Since the appointment was on the day after Thanksgiving, the entire family was able to go!

At our last appointment the baby was still pretty low because it was so early and we could only catch a quick, very quiet, heart beat. She found it long enough to know that it was strong but we couldn't hear it well enough for the kids to know what it was. This time, we were all able to hear it's little flutter a little louder after she pinned it's wiggly self down! I sure hope this one doesn't take after their big sister!

I did learn that because I have a history of "rapid labor" that I will possibly be induced around 39 weeks. Apparently a 45 minute labor isn't normal? ;0) I really should get around to writing the kids' birth stories! Long story short I went from very weak, uneven contractions to a baby in my arms in less than an hour. I'm not sure how I feel about an induction at this point, but I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there!

They also scheduled our ultrasound already which will be later this week. Hubs and I have been back and forth on finding out the gender this time. I still don't know what we're going to do!



  1. If you are okay to just use gender neutral for awhile then I say dont find out! I am waaaaay too OCD about things so we always found out. (although if I would have had another one after Charlie, I would not have since I already had all the baby stuff from both L and C)

    1. That's why I was so up in the air! I've saved everything from T and B which means that we have both boy and girl stuff already. :0)

  2. Congratulations! Love your blog and this post is so exciting :) I'd want to leave it as a surprise - buy all neutral and then accessorise with pinks or blues once sprog arrives!

  3. So exciting!!! Personally, I could never wait to find out the gender. I am way too impatient and curious!

    Good luck with the whole induction thing!

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