Wednesday, December 18, 2013


This week I hit the 20 week mark, which means that we're half-way through this pregnancy! With this being our last, I'm trying my best to enjoy all of the stages but this is most definitely my most difficult pregnancy yet. I don't know if it's because I have 2 kids already, a high stress job, or if it's the difference in age (23 with #1 and 30 with #3) but I'm more tired than ever before.

Hopefully my energy will pick up soon! So far, everything else has gone well. Our ultra sound looked great and baby is measuring within a few days of it's gestational age. We opted not to find out what this baby is again. I'll be a nervous wreck for the next 20 weeks!

Here's a summary of what's happening so far:

Due Date:  May 3, 2014 but they are considering me for induction a week early

Food Cravings:  Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!

Gender:  Unknown, but my guess is boy!

Movements:  Inconsistent still but when he/she does move, it shocks me and tends to make my eyes water

Aversions:  None at this time.

What I miss:  Sleeping on my stomach and having energy

Names:  We are pretty solid on a name for a boy, but don't have any names for a girl yet!

Here's to 20 more wonderful weeks!


  1. I am going to say GIRL!!! I craved chocolate with Hayley!

    1. I craved chocolate with Tyler! I ate a chocolate, chocolate chip muffin and a glass of chocolate milk with him for breakfast every day! Super healthy I know. :0)


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