Thursday, December 26, 2013

Our Week At A Glance

We've had a very busy and fun filled week! But before I share I would like to send a prayer for my friends and family back home in Michigan, many of which are without power and have been for several days. Part of me is glad we didn't make the trip up since we would have been one more thing for them to deal with and worry about, and the other part wishes we were there to help. Love you all and hope everything is back to normal soon!

We started by making Christmas cookies for Santa on Sunday-

And moved on to our gingerbread train Monday-

 Both kids were up WAY too early Wednesday morning, but enjoyed opening their Santa presents!

Later they opened more presents from Grandma, Papa, and Uncle Curt who came over for Christmas dinner.

We had a wonderful holiday and look forward to celebrating the new year in a few days. Merry Christmas to all!


  1. These pictures are amazing! I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas. :)

  2. I hope your holiday was fantastic!


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