Sunday, January 24, 2016

Catch the Moment 2016 Week 3

Friday, January 15:  Hunter wants to grow up way too fast! He now demands to eat his cereal like the big kids. Stay little just a little longer please.

Saturday, January 16:  Tyler took advantage of today's nice weather to go roller skating in the street.

Sunday, January 17:  Did I say yesterday was nice weather? Well today brought snow! As a Michigan native and a NC transplant, I love the snow and so does this guy!

Monday, January 18:  I've been working on this quilt forever! In fact, it shows up in some of the pictures from my first year of participating in this challenge! It will be finished, eventually. Ha!

Tuesday, January 19:  Bath night!

Wednesday, January 20:  This little girl is so full of attitude! I'm not sure how we're ever going to make it through her teenage years...

Thursday, January 21:  I had to take Zoe in to get her rabies shot today. She wasn't a happy camper.

We've been hit by the big storm this past weekend, which means next weeks pictures will be full of snow pictures! :0)

Catch The Moment 366

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Catch the Moment 2016 Week 2

January 8:  I came straight home from school today and went to bed. Thanks kids for passing along the stomach flu/bug! Here's a picture I took a few days later of a drawing Bailey made. I love preschool art work!

January 9:  The kids' obsession with Playdough has continued into this week. Bailey made a bug out of her Playdough.

January 10:  Tyler still hasn't gotten very far with is new Lego set!

January 11:  Hunter thinks he's such a stud! He had to eat tonight's dinner on the couch next to Daddy. There's even a tear in his eye from protesting being placed in his high chair.

January 12:  WE found and opened up Hunter's Mickey Mouse character set from Disney. He had Mickey in the crib with him tonight.

January 13:  Let the potty training fun begin! Daddy picked up a new potty seat for Hunter to use this summer when we attempt to train him. For now, he thinks it's funny to sit on it and pretend to go.

January 14:  Hunter has such great fine motor skills for a toddler! He's able to peel his oranges already!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Catch the Moment 2016 Week 1

This will be my 3rd year of participating in Catch the Moment 365, a 365 day photo project. This has been an incredibly rewarding and challenging experience! I love being able to capture my family and life daily.

January 1:  Our last day in Disney! We took the kids back to Disney Springs to pick out a few more souvineers. Hunter found the fake Minnie a lot more lovable than he did the real Minnie! He didn't want to leave her.

January 2:  Hunter was glad to be back home in his own crib snuggled up with is new Mickey and Donald Duck friends. I promise we'll bring you back there again someday buddy!

January 3:  Today was a hang out in your PJ kind of day at our house. Hunter and Bailey decided to break out Bailey's new Playdough that Santa had brought her. Hunter enjoyed it just as much as she did!

January 4:  After the kids went to bed tonight I had to enjoy a few pieces of my Dove chocolate, thanks Jamie! :)

January 5:  Bailey had an 'owie' on her arm that required a Frozen Bandaid another special gift from Santa.

January 6:  My amazing Kindergarten team and I needed a girl's night out. We spent an evening out at Painting With a Twist in Huntersville, NC and worked to create our own masterpieces. I think I'll stick to my day job!

January 7:  Tyler picked up this Minecraft Lego set when we were at the Lego store in Florida. He's a tad Minecraft crazy!

And that's it, our first week of 2016!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Week 52 ~ Catch the Moment

December 23:  We had family come into town today to celebrate the holidays with us. They all had a great time playing Sequence!

December 24:  We went to the Charlotte Motor Speedway to enjoy the Christmas lights. They also had a petting zoo. Bailey made Uncle 'Jam-ie' carry her through it.

December 25:  Christmas morning! Bailey and Hunter had to explain to their Great-Aunt Lou Jean that Santa had come when they were sleeping. They were super excited about it!

December 26:  We arrived at our rental house in Orlando. I love it when they leave the fancy towels on the bed.

December 27:  Our first day in Florida and we went to Busch Gardens. The weather was beautiful!

December 28:  Today we went to the Magic Kingdom. It was crazy busy, but the kids loved it! The fireworks show was amazing!

December 29:  We took it easy today and mostly hung around the house. We spent the evening in Disney Springs. Hunter liked the fake Donald much better than he did the real one yesterday!

December 30:  Today's park was Sea World. the dolphin show was one of the highlights of the day.

December 31:  We closed the park down at Aquatica today. The kids had a bast there and are looking forward to coming back again in a few years.

We went through a number of highs and lows this past year. We said goodbye to a few close family members and celebrated many firsts. It was a memorable year that I'm glad I took the time to document. Here's to another great year in 2016 and the start of a new 365(6) day project!

Happy New Year everyone!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Week 51 ~ Catch the Moment

I've given up on numbering my photos for the year! I somehow repeated a day in September and then skipped a number in November causing them to all be off. It's too late in the game to go back and fix it all. I'll just make sure when I print them to put them into a book that I fix them!

December 16:  Hunter was trying to be helpful tonight and emptied out our laundry basket. Such a good toddler he is!

December 17:  I am so blessed to work at a school that values me not only as a teacher, but as a parent. I was able to for the first time visit Tyler during his winter party today! He was excited to actually have a parent there with him!

December 18:  I wanted to have an elf on the shelf at school this year, but didn't want to spend the extra money on one so we made due and had a penguin elf. One of my students loved the penguin elf so much that he brought me this ornament for Christmas! What a thoughtful and adorable gift!

December 19:  Tyler has developed quite the social life lately! This weekend he had a birthday party to attend at the local skating rink.

December 20:  I caught the ornament thief in action tonight! Our tree had ornaments from top to bottom but they have slowly disappeared.

December 21:  He's at it again!!!

December 22:  Shhhh...I forgot to take a picture today so here's a random winter picture from Tyler's party earlier this week.

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Week 50 ~ Catch the Moment

December 9:  Our weather has been so strange! Even our poor roses are confused.

 December 10:  Hunter has been asking to do puzzles on a daily basis now. He loves these simple, wooden, food puzzles.

December 11:  It's strange to have our tree decorated with lights and leaves.

 December 12:  Bailey is getting pretty good at the more complicated puzzles. She's still not quite ready for the puzzles without the base but is getting close.

December 13:  This bell won't stay on the tree and it's not because it's falling off. Both of the younger kids won't leave it on!

December 14:  Grandma gives each of the kids and ornament every year. This year, she made Bailey a "glass baby" like she's been asking for.

December 15:  She was too tired to even make it to her bed...

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Week 49 ~ Catch the Moment

December 2:  Our Christmas tree decorated in the traditional multi-color lights. Maybe next year we'll switch it up, or not.

December 3:  Hunter gets the munchies every night!

December 4:  Tonight was our annual Christmas Extravaganza at school and Santa made an appearance. Both of them enjoyed talking to him about what they wanted for Christmas.

December 5:  Merry Christmas from my family, to yours!

December 6:  Hunter and Bailey are always into this cabinet. My poor pans make great drums and storage containers.

December 7:  "Hello?"

December 8:  The kids got a Nativity Scene last year for Christmas. It's been pretty popular this year!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment