Sunday, January 17, 2016

Catch the Moment 2016 Week 2

January 8:  I came straight home from school today and went to bed. Thanks kids for passing along the stomach flu/bug! Here's a picture I took a few days later of a drawing Bailey made. I love preschool art work!

January 9:  The kids' obsession with Playdough has continued into this week. Bailey made a bug out of her Playdough.

January 10:  Tyler still hasn't gotten very far with is new Lego set!

January 11:  Hunter thinks he's such a stud! He had to eat tonight's dinner on the couch next to Daddy. There's even a tear in his eye from protesting being placed in his high chair.

January 12:  WE found and opened up Hunter's Mickey Mouse character set from Disney. He had Mickey in the crib with him tonight.

January 13:  Let the potty training fun begin! Daddy picked up a new potty seat for Hunter to use this summer when we attempt to train him. For now, he thinks it's funny to sit on it and pretend to go.

January 14:  Hunter has such great fine motor skills for a toddler! He's able to peel his oranges already!


  1. Such great pictures! I love seeing other people's kids, and it makes me feel better that I'm not the only one whose Catch the Moment's are mostly about their kids, too.

    Great playdoh bug!!! Very creative!

  2. I have to say that Lego shot makes me itch to put some together. Plus I totally saw that tear! And play dough oh so much fun!

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