Friday, April 24, 2015

Week 16 ~ Catch the Moment

I really have no excuse for being behind in my pictures. I'm sure I could make one up, but I'm not even going to try! In the mean time, here are 3 of the 7 for the week. Hopefully I'll get the other 4 up tomorrow!

April 16:  I try so hard to not end up with pictures of our older 2 playing on their electronic gagets, but I've failed two weeks in a row...

April 17:  This little thing thinks he's pretty hot stuff climbing the stairs. I'm predicting now that the first of my 3 with a broken bone will be this one.

April 18:  We're lucky when we can get Bailey to go out on the field. While she loves to 'play baseball' she finds it much more entertaining to stand at the fence and talk to all the moms. Either way, she's pretty stinkin' cute in her 2 sizes too big uniform!

I promise I'll hop on in a few days and finish putting up the rest of my pictures!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Week 15 ~ Catch the Moment

April 9:  It's busy season for Brandon's work. He spent all evening going over the plans to one of his new work sites.

April 10:  I can't believe we're at day 100 already!! Eating special treats sure was easier before we introduced this one to solid food. Now he insists we share everything with him!

April 11:  Opening day of baseball! The boys put up a good fight, but lost in the end. This is the first year we played with umpires and a catcher. Tyler looked so cute all dressed up in that gear. Go #10!

April 12:  Chubby little baby toes, enough said.

April 13:  My go to picture when I forget to take one and the kids are being lazy, electronics.

April 14:  Hunter loves to follow Tyler all over the house!

April 15:  He's still obsessed with the dishwasher!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Week 14 ~ Catch the Moment

What a fun week! We finished out our Spring Break with lots of family bonding time and a wonderful Easter celebration with my family. Our weather was perfect for Easter weekend! Then it was back to school and our regular routine. Opening day for Tyler is Saturday and Bailey will start her practices. It's going to be a fun couple of weeks!

April 2:  I love when she's actually nice to him and not stealing his toys!

April 3:  I got the bright idea to let the kids make cookies with me. It was a huge mess, but they had a blast!

April 4:  Easter eggs! Bailey and Daddy had a great time dying eggs. Hunter is still too little and Tyler wasn't feeling good so he laid on the couch.

April 5:  She has such serious conversations with her Papa! I'm not sure what she was talking about, but it was obviously pretty important!

April 6:  Another beautiful night at baseball practice. I love that their practice is at sunset!

April 7:  This week's inspiration was Macro. This was a last minute shot of a little piece of spring.

April 8:  Hunter and Bailey love taking baths. When he gets grumpy and we can't get him to settle down, we just stick him in the tub and he's a happy guy!

If you would like to join in on the fun, it's not too late! This project is a great way to capture the little things that happen throughout the year and a fantastic way to improve your photography skills. Please consider joining us on this amazing journey!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Friday, April 3, 2015

Week 13 ~ Catch the Moment

This week is a bit of a catch up from last week and this week. One would think that after spending an entire week at home thanks to spring break that I would be ahead of the game, but well I'm not! We've had a great time hanging out, playing, and getting in some bonding time this week. The countdown for summer is beginning!

This week's inspiration was body so I decided to make most of my shots be detail shots of the kids. It's the little things like chubby hands and big eyes that I want to remember when I'm old!

March 23:  Baseball practices are in full swing! I'm amazed at the difference between the 5/6 level and the 7/8. The kids are more focused, stronger, and more serious about the game. It's going to be a great season!

March 24:  This is the face I get when he's up to no good. I'm in a bit of trouble with him. He knows he has his mom wrapped around his little finger and can get away with just about everything with this look!

March 25:  These are some of those chubby little hands that I was talking about. Someday, all too soon the finger prints will be gone and I know I'll miss my incredibly dirty windows.

March 26:  This is his, "You're really going to leave me in here Mom?" look.

March 27:  And we're off and camping! It was a freezing cold weekend, but the kids had a great time. This was another 'body' picture. Tyler was examining his injured finger before dinner.

March 28:  We have never been to the zoo as a family on a day where the temperature was less than 1,000 degrees. It was a bit chilly on this trip, but it was a welcome change.

March 29:  Our last day of camping. The kids love their bunk beds.

March 30:  Hunter has been wearing his teething necklace all week. I'm still not sure if it actually works, but I think it's adorable!

March 31:  Brotherly love!

April 1:  We spent the afternoon at the park with Grandma. After a picnic lunch the kids had some time to play. It was fun watching Hunter discover all of the toys. He was difficult enough to chase around crawling, I'm a little worried about having to chase him after he learns to run!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment