Sunday, April 19, 2015

Week 15 ~ Catch the Moment

April 9:  It's busy season for Brandon's work. He spent all evening going over the plans to one of his new work sites.

April 10:  I can't believe we're at day 100 already!! Eating special treats sure was easier before we introduced this one to solid food. Now he insists we share everything with him!

April 11:  Opening day of baseball! The boys put up a good fight, but lost in the end. This is the first year we played with umpires and a catcher. Tyler looked so cute all dressed up in that gear. Go #10!

April 12:  Chubby little baby toes, enough said.

April 13:  My go to picture when I forget to take one and the kids are being lazy, electronics.

April 14:  Hunter loves to follow Tyler all over the house!

April 15:  He's still obsessed with the dishwasher!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment


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