Saturday, December 14, 2013

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 12-14-13

This week has been all about getting back into routines after Bailey spent a week with Grandma and both kids were gone for the weekend. For the most part everything is back to normal, but we are all looking forward to Christmas vacation!
dentistmelsbbutton 1 Saturday Top Five Laughs  Come Join Our Blog Hop!
Linking up with Melissa over at The Mommyhood Chronicles, stop on by her page for a few more laughs!

5.  Bailey refuses to touch our live Christmas tree. She says it's yucky.

4.  I've been busily sewing Bailey's "big girl quilt" over the last several weeks and now have my very own sewing buddy.
I can't sit at the table to work on it with out her climbing up next to me!

3.  Going along with #4, as I start the machine she squeals "Go Mommy! Go go go go!" until I've finished the piece.

2.  Tyler has been having a hard time narrowing down what he wants for Christmas this year. He finally decided to tell Santa that he wants whatever he brings him!

1.  Bailey loves to irritate her brother in any way she can. By following him, looking at him, touching him.... This morning I asked Tyler if he wanted the lights on or off in the bedroom. He said off and she quickly said "No, on!"


  1. Haha! I wish our kids would not touch the Christmas tree-LOL! I love that he tells Santa to bring him whatever he wants! Why can't all kids be this easy!!!


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