Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 18

With a new subject to photograph in our house, I'm finding plenty of photo opportunities. I just need to make sure that I'm getting pictures of everyone and not just the little one. But he's sooooo cute!!! 

We are all adjusting to having a newborn in the house again. It's amazing what you forget in just a few short years! Bailey and Tyler are loving their new baby brother and often fight over who is going to help take care of him. We'll see how long that lasts!

May 2, 2014:  Our first full day home with this handsome fellow! I love this picture, he looks so peaceful!

May 3, 2014:  Our first visitors! Hunter's Great-Grandma, 2 Great-Great Aunts, and his Great-Great Uncle Terry came from Michigan to visit. We were a little nervous that Hunter wouldn't be here for their visit yet, but he made sure to enter this world just a few days before their arrival.

May 4, 2014:  Bailey wants to hold Hunter all the time! Obviously the excitement has gotten to her a little bit though as she fell asleep with him on her lap!

May 5, 2014:  These cheeks!!!

May 6, 2014:  Baby toes are the cutest! I love the perspective of this picture.

May 7, 2014:  A little watercolor painting fun!

May 8, 2014:  This flower was a wedding shower gift from my Aunt Kathy. It has moved houses 4 times and lived in 2 different states. Almost 10 years later and it's still going strong!

Nurse Loves Farmer


  1. WOW! Your photos have really really gotten good! Not to mention the amazing subjects you get to photograph :)

    1. Thank you! It does help to have such cuties around to take pictures of. ;0)

  2. Love the baby toes! Great pic.

    1. Thank you! I'm thinking I might have to blow that one up to hang on the wall!

  3. Fantastic photos! And congratulations on the new addition - he is adorable!!! :)

  4. Congrats and what precious photos. BABY TOES!!!!

    1. Thank you! Baby toes are just the cutest! Too bad they grow up into stinky piggies so quickly! ;0)

  5. Catching up on your posts. :) I love all the pictures of your new little guy! So cute!


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