Sunday, June 22, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 24

We took an early vacation this week and headed up north to Michigan to attend Brandon's Grandfather's funeral. The kids had a blast playing with their cousins, and Hunter enjoyed getting to meet many family members for the first time. We were even able to get that ever-so-difficult-to-get 5 generation family picture for him. Summer is off to a fun start! 

June 13, 2014:  After an all night drive, we arrived into the great state of Michigan! Bailey hasn't seen her cousins since last summer when she was 2. I was absolutely amazed how quickly she took to them. It was like they had never been separated!

 June 14, 2014:  The timing of Grandpa's funeral allowed us to attend my cousin's wedding that I otherwise wouldn't have been able to go to. It was a beautiful outdoor service. They chose to pour sand into this glass instead of the traditional unity candle so they could include their children. My adorable little cousin accidentally spilled his red sand. You can see the little finger prints from where he tried to pick it up to get it back into the jar.

June 15, 2014:  The kids and I visited their Great-Great-Grandma in the nursing home. She fell instantly in love with little Hunter! Grandma Berg wouldn't put him down!

June 16, 2014:  Bailey enjoying her favorite late night snack, popcorn!

June 17, 2014:  My nephew Hayden had a baseball game while we were up. He played great, way to go number 8!

June 18, 2014:  Hayden loves babies. I think he would keep Hunter if I'd let him!

June 19, 2014:  Grandma Rosie got to hold her newest Grandson for the first time!

Nurse Loves Farmer


  1. Aww, sounds like a lot of beautiful memories were made. :) Sorry to hear about your grandfather in law.

  2. Looks like a great trip. SOrry about your grandad. And you are so brave taking kids on a road trip:)


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