Friday, June 6, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 22

This week was full of firsts and lasts. Tyler played in his last t-ball game for the season. I didn't get any good pictures thanks to Hunter demanding that I hold him during the entire game. It's a good thing for him that I enjoy snuggling. It was also Tyler's last full week of school and a field day to celebrate which allowed me to get back up to the school and visit with my students for a couple of minutes!

5-30-14:  Someone got the bright idea to give Bailey Hungry Hungry Hippo for her birthday a couple of weeks ago. She loves it, I hate it. Too bad I'm that someone. By the way, does anyone else remember this game being ridiculously loud when they were a kid, because I sure don't.

May 31, 2014:  Hunter's belly button finally healed enough for his first tub bath, he loved it!

April 1, 2014:  Real or fake? Bailey got this doll for her birthday and it fools everyone who comes to our house. It doesn't help that baby is often swinging, bouncing or getting ready for a car ride in the real baby's gear.

April 2, 2014:  I think we have another blue eyed child!

April 3, 2014:  We snuck out to Tyler's school for a few minutes for field day. They had a blast!

April 4, 2014:  Tummy time always turns into nap time with this one...

April 5, 2014:  Completing what is hopefully his last homework assignment for the year!

I'm looking forward to school being done and actually getting to sleep in! So I may be dreaming on that one with 3 kids including a newborn in the house, but a girls gotta dream right!?!? We will also be celebrating Tyler's 7th birthday over the weekend. How did that happen?

Check out some more 365 projects through the link below!
Nurse Loves Farmer


  1. I love the bath photo! So cute!

  2. Aaaaaw, nothing beats a gorgeous baby face! :)

    1. It's sooo hard not to fill my week's pictures up with that face!

  3. Aww cute pics! And omg that baby doll DOES look real! That baby bath pic is too precious. And YES, I remember Hungry Hungry Hippos being the loudest game ever, my husband and I were just reminiscing and laughing about that. Too funny!

    1. How do I not remember this? Our house shall never be quiet again! They love it way too much to take it away!

  4. Oh dear lawd! Hunter after bath is my favorite...but the doll is creepy as heck!

    1. LOL, I had to get it for her! It really is cute in person. The designer of this doll made my doll that I loved as a child 30 years ago. I couldn't pass it up!


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