Tuesday, June 24, 2014

B Turns 3!

I'm not sure how my baby girl managed to turn 3 already It seems like you made your grand appearance into this world just yesterday (someday I'll blog about your crazy birth story). You are a handful of a child that can make me laugh, cry, and scream all within seconds. You have a special way about you that people can't help but love, even if you're busy telling them to go away because you 'don't like them'!

Favorite Foods:  You love snack foods including popcorn, chips, and fruit snacks. There isn't much that we have found that you don't like. No one can have a salad without you stealing half of it, and you also enjoy taking the bacon from our BLT sandwiches.

Foods you don't like:  You don't like brussel sprouts, olives, and onions. Other than that, you will pretty much eat anything we stick in front of you!

Favorite TV shows:  You love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse so much you sing the song in your sleep! Some other favorites include Doc McStuffins and Jake and the Neverland Pirates.

Favorite Activities:  You squeal with delight when you hear the word playdough! It usually ends up spread from one end of the house to the other. Coloring, painting, sidewalk chalk, catch, bothering Tyler, and anything involving outside are also favorites!

Favorite Toys:  Baby dolls and anything related to them! You spend most days carrying around your babies, pushing them in strollers, changing their diapers, putting them in Hunters bouncy, swing, or car seat, and feeding them.

Sleep:  Much to my dismay, you have given up naps most days and typically sleep around 10 hours a night. I miss nap time!

Milestones/Firsts:  This year you have become fully potty trained (right after you turned 2) and can say anything you want. You have graduated from your crib to a big girl bed and became a big sister. You love caring for your baby brother (sometimes a little too much!). You can count to 10 and know the basic colors.

Bailey-isms:  alligator means elevator, hang-gerber means hamburger, poor means for, fwing means swing

Best Friends:  Gabby (from daycare), Lyla (Grandma's neighbor) and D (our neighbor's grandson)

Your big blue eyes and beautiful curly blond hair get you pretty much whatever you want from just about anyone, your little heart is so full of joy and love that no one can resist you, and even though you tend to drive Daddy, Tyler, and I crazy most days we couldn't imagine life without you. We love you little one!


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