Sunday, December 7, 2014

7 Months ~ Hunter

Independence. That's been our word for the month, independence. You've discovered that you are your own person and are no longer interested in just laying around. In just a few short days you went from my super snuggly little man, to a guy on the go. I'm not sure that I like it yet, but you sure are proud. Over Thanksgiving break you learned a ton of new skills! Thanks for waiting until Mommy and Daddy could be home to watch you!

This month we were blessed with a visit from your Great-Grandma and Great-Great Aunt Marilyn. It was great to see them, and I know they enjoyed seeing just how much you have grown since they came down in May.

Sleep:  You're still sleeping in your crib during the night and at nap time, but you aren't sleeping as well as we would all like. Daddy keeps threatening to kick you out of our bedroom, but I'm just not ready to let go! You'll sleep for about 5 hours and then are up to nurse every 2 after that. It makes for some long days and nights!

Likes:  You love to be tossed around! I think you might be a roller coaster rider when you grow up! You also enjoy playing peek-a-boo. Your big brother is your favorite person, whenever he walks into the room your little eyes light up and the grinning and talking begin! You also love car rides and get super excited as soon as you get strapped into your car seat.

Dislikes:  You hate to be left out. It would be horrible if you missed something!

Favorite Toys:  You love the taggie blankets that Mommy made for you! You also enjoy anything that makes a crackle sound and your teething toys.

Eating:  You are eating about 16 ounces while at daycare and nurse every 2 hours pretty much around the clock when home. You started solid foods this month and so far have had sweet potatoes, peas, and applesauce. You aren't a fan of solid food in general, but definitely do not like the peas!

Milestones:  Where to begin?!  This month you have become a solid sitter, started crawling, can sit up from a crawling position, pulling up to your knees and feet, and can say mumum and dada. We've had to baby proof and move your crib down to the bottom position.

Tooth Count:  0

Words/Sounds:  You are full of of sounds this month! Mumumum and Dadada have topped the list! You have also mastered yaya and many other consonant/vowel combinations!

Firsts:  You celebrated your first Thanksgiving this month! We traveled down to Grandma and Papa's in SC for dinner. We also took you on your first Christmas tree hunt! You loved being outside and walking around the mountain with us.

We love you sweet boy!


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