Thursday, December 25, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 51

It's finally Christmas week! The anticipation has been killing me. Bailey has been so excited this holiday season. Her eyes light up every time she sees Santa. Tyler has been questioning things this year and I'm afraid it might be the last year we have with him before he finds out the secret of Christmas. I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts!

December 19, 2014:  We made it to the doctor office today. Bailey has a double ear infection with a ruptured ear drum. Poor thing is such a trooper! She told us last night that her ear hurt and by the time we made it to the doctor today it had already ruptured. Her ornament from Grandma and Papa is keeping a smile on her fact though!

December 20, 2014:  I pulled out Hunter's quilt again today to try to figure out what to back it with. I didn't get that far, but he must like it because he stole it from me!

December 21, 2014:  Little Mr. Explorer. He finally made it to our slider and found Zoe outside. They sat nose to nose for a while. I think these two will be best of buds in no time!

December 22, 2014:  This dude is making me go broke! Today we were teasing him because his front tooth was crooked and funny looking so he went upstairs and pulled it out! Perfect timing for Christmas. "All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth..."

December 23, 2014:  Sugar cookie time! My mom started this tradition with my brother and I when we were little. The kids love to frost our cookies for Santa!

December 24, 2014:  I'm a total procrastinator! We had most of the gifts done, but I needed to finish a few. Bailey had to help wrap. She actually did a pretty good job! I'm glad we bought the good paper with the grid lines, it gave her some great fine motor practice!

December 25, 3014:  Hunter wasn't at all interested in opening up presents this morning, but he sure loved rolling around through all of the paper! The cutest reindeer on the block right here!

There's only a few days left in Catch the Moment 365 for the year. I hope you'll join in on the fun and link up next year!


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